Fill-A-Bag Children's & Teen Book Sale, August 10-11

Children's area in the Friends BookstoreThe Friends Bookstore at Central Library is planning a two-day sale of children's, juvenile, and young adult books on Friday and Saturday, August 10-11, from 9:30-5:30. The sale will take place in the Friends Bookstore and the Youth Department Story Castle.

For $6 you will receive a Friends book bag which you can fill with all the sale books it will hold. This is a great opportunity for teachers, school librarians, day care workers, literacy programs, and homeschoolers to stock up on fiction and nonfiction books. And parents who love reading to their children. And grown-ups who like reliving their childhoods. Come one, come all!


Anonymous said…
So you are paying $6.00 for just the bag? Or is it that you pay $6.00 for PLIS what you fill it up with?? It is quiet confusing..
Tressa Fancher said…
The bags are normally $1 for sale in the bookstore. At the sale, you pay $6 and get a Friends Bookstore bag and all the books that will fit inside the bag. I hope this clears things up. Sorry if it was confusing.