Friends Bookstore Bag Sale Price Has Been Slashed!

Greetings, shoppers and book lovers! Recycling a gently loved book is so much better than regifting that ugly TJ Maxx picture frame from Aunt Ida. While there's still plenty of time for Christmas shopping, the Friends Bookstore is reducing it's fill-a-bag sale price from $20 to $10. So come in and take advantage of tremendous savings and dig around for a thoughtful gift for someone you like. (Excludes T-shirts, albums, and special priced books and items.)

The sale runs through December 22, when the library closes December 23-26 for the Christmas holiday.

The Friends Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Central Library and is open Monday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Call 205-226-3676 for more information.
