A Sensitive Portrait of the April 27th Storms

What Stands in the Storm: Three Days in the Worst Superstorm to Hit the South's Tornado Alley
Kim Cross 

During a three-day period in late April 2011, a string of tornadoes tore across the Southeast and killed over 300 people. In this chilling chronicle of the disaster, the author pours her heart into describing the devastation wrought by the storms, and in the process, shows how so many lives were changed, some beyond all recognition. While there are some descriptions of death here that are rather graphic, the author refuses to cross the line into sensationalism, and instead focuses on the overall emotional effect these tornadoes had on the region. The work ends on a note that is sobering, but cautiously optimistic, making it a suitable read for those looking to commemorate victims of the April 27th storms.

Liz Winn
Central Library
