Some Library Services Never Close

As the weather has warmed up, I’ve noticed more and more patrons hanging out in the library’s parking lot after the building has closed for the day. They are on their phones and tablets, taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi service that each Birmingham Public Library branch offers. I’ve even seen people take out a lawn chair and get really comfortable while searching the Internet. It made me start to think about how Birmingham Public Library offers services to our patrons, even when we’re not open during business hours.

We have our catalog, which allows patrons to search for materials, put a hold request on them, and pick up that item at any location that they wish to. Have a paper that’s coming due tomorrow and you’re still looking for research? Enjoy access to one of our many databases available to you day or night as long as you have a library card. Got a new favorite song that you want to hear all the time? Download the song to your phone or device via Freegal. Your library card opens up a world of resources to you and most of these are available at any time that’s convenient to you.

Pamela Jessie
Woodlawn Branch Library
