Fitness Tips for the Holidays


By Russell Lee|Library Assistant III at Five Points West Regional Library/Group Fitness Instructor Downtown Birmingham YMCA

During the holiday season, we all struggle with scheduling and eating sensibly.

I am offering some fitness tips that I give to my exercise participants that are simple and realistic.

1. Be active for 15 minutes minimum every day!

2. Drink lots of water! Eight glasses a day is good but not essential. Just hydrate. 

3. The holiday season is a time when we tend to indulge in the pleasures of food. It is okay to treat yourself on occasion but not every day. 

4. A nice morning brisk morning walk does the body good.

 5. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

 6. When you are driving contract your gluteal (buns) muscles and abdominal (tummy) muscles at red light or whenever you come to a stop. Do not hold your breathe. 

7. When sitting for long periods of time extend the legs or stand on occasion to disengage the knee joints. 
8. If it is cold outside consider walking around in a mall, library, or large store to burn some calories.

 9. There are lots of free workouts on YouTube that can be done inside with minimal weight equipment and props. Exercise mat, dumbbells, chair, stability ball, elastic exercise bands. 

10. Easy healthy snacks – peanut butter on apple slices, air fryer cooked apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon and brown sugar, almond milk fruit smoothies (berries have less calories), avocado toast, small serving of popcorn (not a whole bag of microwave popcorn, fruit, flavored water infused with fruit and a small amount of honey and mint.

 11. If you are snacking while watching television put your snacks in a coffee filter, do not eat from the bag or package.

 12. Exercise in the morning boasts your metabolic rate which will rev up your ovens to burn calories.
