Andy Offutt Irwin coming to BPL

Andy Offutt Irwin
Andy Offutt Irwin, nationally acclaimed singer-songwriter, comedian, thespian and storyteller is coming to BPL June 11-June 14. Check our calendar of events for more information.

Some people have inner-kids.
Andy Offutt Irwin
has an outer-kid.
With a manic Silly Putty voice,
astonishing mouth noises,
and hilarious stories,
he is equal parts mischievous school boy
and the Marx Brothers,
peppered with a touch of the Southern balladeer.
Andy is one vibrantly odd bird,
with feathers that tease, tickle
and tug at the heart –
And a whopper of a personality,
which barely fits in most rooms.
People are drawn to him
like magnets to a refrigerator.
And inside,
it's all Mountain Dew and Jolt Cola.
