She Walks the Walk for March of Dimes Babies

BPL's March of Dimes team captain, Diana Prince For the past three years, Diana Prince has made certain Birmingham Public Library (BPL) staff know a thing or two about the March of Dimes . With more than 60,000 new births in Alabama each year, at least 1,800 babies are born with a birth defect and premature births are high. Diana knows this and she puts every bit of effort into raising awareness and raising funds to help. Her willingness to coordinate staff giving is no easy task, yet she puts her heart into it and helps to cultivate funds for a worthy cause. As a City of Birmingham department, the library continues to rank among the top three departments when it comes to giving. In February, Diana and her library “valentine elves” put together 19 gift baskets for the annual March of Dimes auction. The library’s baskets brought in a total of $1,650, the third highest total among all City of Birmingham departments. The library raised a grand total of $3, 707 this year, $2,4...