Vocational Readiness Workshops Scheduled in November at Central Library

What: Vocational Readiness workshops When: Monday, November 6 and 20, 2017 Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. Where: Central Library, Linn-Henley Research Library, Regional Library Computer Center, 4th floor Details: The will be two workshops: (1) Vocational Introduction Readiness Workshop/Resume Builder and (2) New Age Online Application Process/Interview Bootcamp Choosing a career is not any easy undertaking. Likewise, once you’ve chosen a career, finding a job can be a pretty difficult task as well. When you consider that throughout your lifetime you spend more hours at your job than you do anywhere else, you really need to put the time and effort into making good decisions in regards to career selection and job searching. This is not only true for young people who are entering the job market for the first time, but also for adults who are either reentering the job market after an absence, looking for a new job, or are contemplating a career change. If you fall into any of these ca...