Birmingham Museum of Art/Oscar's Cafe to Host November 7 Open Mic Bards & Brews

A large crowd gathered at Central Library for October's Soul Foods Bards & Brews, part of BPL's Eat Drink Read Write Festival. Oscar's Cafe at the Birmingham Museum of Art will host an open mic poetry event on Friday, November 7, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Craft beer will be available for sampling courtesy of Blue Pants Brewery and Good People Brewing Company ; light refreshments will be served. Music by The Reflections. Attendees must be 18 years or older to be admitted, and 21 years or older to be served. IDs will be checked. Special thanks to the Board of the Junior Patrons of the Birmingham Museum of Art. Bards & Brews is usually held on the first Friday of the month at various locations around town. There will not be a Bards & Brews in December, but on January 9 there will be a poetry slam at Central Library . Check out the Bards & Brews page on Facebook for more information. This program is made possible by grants from the Alabama State Council ...