2024 Family History Month has Kicked Off at the Birmingham Public Library
2024 Family History Month programs have kicked off at the Birmingham Public Library. Started in 2001, F amily History Month is held in October as a month-long celebration to encourage people to explore and preserve their family history. It's a great opportunity to learn about your family's traditions, culture, and heritage, and connect with relatives both near and far. BPL's Southern History Department holds a variety of genealogy programs throughout the year to make it easier for patrons to research and document their family tree. Family History Month is a time to highlight the important role our genealogy programs can play in helping patrons learn more about their family past. BPL is hosting 6 programs this year including two already held: Google Your Peeps October 2, a program that showed patrons how to use the Internet to research their family's past; and You are Here: Using Digitized Maps in Historical and Genealogical Research October 9 , a program o