Book Review: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

By Jennifer Hancock | Central Library Although I had already read and enjoyed this popular young adult story years ago, and it has already been released as a popular movie , self-quarantine inspired my entire family to reread Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and it gave me a somewhat different perspective. Set in the year 2045, this futuristic tale spends a huge amount of time in a virtual world called the Oasis, where children go to school online, a large population works from home, and families can actually go months at a time as productive citizens without ever leaving the safety of their homes. I won't lie, with the pandemic and now the societal upheavals, the Oasis concept is extremely intriguing! And this book isn't afraid to tackle some of the "results" of the stay-at-home lifestyle, including the technology necessary to access the virtual world, the effects stagnation has on our bodies, and the importance of "essential workers" who can del...