Can Hard Work Make You a Good Writer?

From the blog jacksmumontherun ( Are good writers born or made? Can writing skills be developed through practice? Ken Haruf, best known for the National Book Award finalist Plainsong , had this to say on the topic: “It doesn't seem to me there's a scarcity of talent among students who want to write. But what there is a lack of is a talent for work, that it's so difficult to write and it takes so long to learn how to write well that most people give it up before they get good enough. ” (from interview 10 years ago on NPR's Diane Rehm Show-italics added for emphasis) Haruf died on November 30 of this year at the age of 71. It wasn’t until he was 40 that he got his work published. He modestly said that it took him that long to get good enough to be published. If you’ve been meaning to work on your writing skills, the library is here to help. Starting in January, BPL will offer free poetry writing workshops for adults twice a ...