Oprah's February Book Club Pick

"Ego is a conglomeration of recurring thought forms and conditioned mental-emotional patterns that are invested with a sense of I, a sense of self. Ego arises when your sense of Beingness, of 'I Am', which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is a forgetfulness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare." (excerpt from A New Earth ) Oprah Winfrey has chosen Eckhart Tolle 's A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose not only as her February Oprah's Book Club pick, but also as the topic of her first ever worldwide classroom that goes live Monday nights starting March 3 on Oprah.com . A New Earth has already received a four star rating on the library catalog. Read it, star it, and write a review to let others know what you think about it. Didn't know you could review library materials on the catalog? Click here to find out how to a...