National Siblings Day

Carla Perkins (r), children's librarian at the Avondale
and her sister, Janine Langston, librarian and
coordinator of 
BPL's western region

I am blessed to have a sister who is truly one of my best friends. I’m not saying we haven’t had our share of spats as all siblings do, but I can honestly say there hasn’t been a day when I didn’t love her. I have so many wonderful childhood memories that it is impossible to know where to begin: eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts in our footie pajamas, snuggling close to Mama in the big bed as she read us bedtime stories, riding the ocean waves on an inner tube with Dad, and the list goes on. Weather you find yourself blessed or tortured by a brother and/or sister, April 10, National Siblings Day, is the day to let them know how you feel. If you don’t have siblings or find yourself unable to see them today, find someone who is like a brother or sister and celebrate. Siblings Day can be observed in many ways including sending a card, going someplace special, or reading a good book. Sis, I love you and this day is for you!

Siblings Bibliography
The New Small Person by Lauren Child
Brothers and Sisters: Family Poems by Eloise Greenfield
Julius, the Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
Sisters and Brothers: Sibling Relationships in the Animal World by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
What Sisters Do Best: (and) What Brothers Do Best by Laura Joffe Numeroff

Carla Perkins
Avondale Library
