Money Smart Week Programs at Inglenook Library

by Karnecia Williams, Branch Manager, Inglenook Branch Library

According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), financial literacy is the ability to make informed judgments and to take effective actions regarding the current and future use and management of money. During Money Smart Week, April 22-29, financial institutions, libraries, and other community entities across the county will provide several programs and activities to help communities obtain financial literacy. The Inglenook Branch Library will be amongst those offering pertinent programming. See program listing below.

April 24, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Wells Fargo Bank: How To Open and Maintain a Bank Account
Shedrick South, personal banker at Wells Fargo, will discuss the importance of a having a bank account and how to use them effectively to save money.

April 26, 10:00 a.m.
Information Systems Security Class

Join Inglenook Library’s own Michael Fagin as he discusses security measures to take to keep online content safe.

On April 28, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Entrepreneurship and Money Management Workshop
Ashlee Taylor, small business consultant, will conduct a workshop on entrepreneurship and money management for both business and personal finances. Highlights of workshop will include:

  • key steps to launching your own business;
  • effective tax strategies for entrepreneurs;
  • mastering a wealth mindset;
  • and simple strategies for creating multiple streams of income.

For more information, please contact Inglenook Library at 205-849-8739.
