Traveling? Try These Travel Destination Resources Courtesy of BPL Databases


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More National Library Week information showing how our Birmingham Public Library locations across the city are more than just a place to check out books, DVDs and CDs.

The Birmingham Public Library is pleased to announce that it has recently added the World Trade Press AtoZ Database Collection to BPL's online reference travel offerings. This database, free to our library cardholders, offers a variety of databases so patrons can gain deeper insight into possible destinations. 

 The World Trade Press AtoZ Database Collection includes the following resources: 

 Global Road Warrior

 Contains country guides for each of 175 countries worldwide.

 AtoZ Maps Online 

 The world’s largest database of downloadable, royalty-free maps for student and library patron use. 

 ABC the USA 

 An unmatched resource for information about the people, culture, geography, government, history, indigenous peoples, food, and symbols of the US states and the United States itself.

 AtoZ World Culture 

 Includes 121 topics for 175 countries. 

 AtoZ World Travel 

 Includes 202 world city travel guides covering 67 topics each. 

 AtoZ World Food 

 Contains more than 7,000 traditional recipes from 174 countries, along with thousands of ingredients, food culture, and reference articles, making it the largest food database of its kind. 


 Helps users learn basic words and phrases in 30 languages using interactive native speaker videos.

 AtoZ Food America 

 Contains more than 2,000 state, regional, and ethnic recipes—including food culture articles—as well as historical and reference articles in
