Artist Raises Linoleum to a Whole New Level

"i learnt to sing a glad new song" Take a good look at this image. What technique do you suppose was used to create this work of art? If you guessed woodblock printing, you’re getting close. Except rather than wood, a piece of linoleum is carved to achieve a similar effect. Yes, lowly linoleum…the stuff that covered your grandmother’s kitchen floor. Though the linoleum artist Debra Riffe uses is especially made for printmaking and is a combination of cork, linseed oil and adhesive. Riffe has taken the technique to a whole new level to create striking images that speak eloquently of themes such as social identity and sense of place. An exhibit of Riffe’s linoleum block prints will be on display in the Fourth Floor Gallery of the downtown Birmingham Public Library during regular library hours until August 26. Titled "Every Line Tells a Story", the exhibit will also be featured at the August 7 Birmingha...