Remembering The Parliament House Motor Hotel

One of Birmingham's landmarks, Parliament House Motor Hotel, is scheduled to be imploded this Sunday. Built in 1964 by actress Doris Day and other investors, the Parliament House was the place to stay while in Birmingham in the 1960s and 70s.
To view images from the 1960s:
BPL's Digital Collections Database (photos by Alfred C. Keily and Charles Preston)
Additional photos:
Birmingham Rewound
Magic City Flicker Group
History of the hotel:
News and discussion:
Feb. 15, 2008
"Parliament House hotel, home to both celebrities and squatters, to be imploded Sunday" The Birmingham News
Feb. 15, 2008
"Coming Sunday: Parliament House implosion pics" The Terminal
Jan. 16, 2008
"Parliament House's coming down" The Terminal
Sept. 26, 2007
"My Birmingham: Parliament House hears its fate" The Terminal