Millions of War Records Now Available

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In remembrance of Memorial Day, has made available 90 million searchable war records free of charge from now until June 6, the anniversary of D-Day.

Ancestry’s expanded military collection contains all major wars and conflicts from American history, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam conflicts.

According to the Associated Press,
" …spent $3 million to digitize the military records. It took nearly a year, including some 1,500 handwriting specialists racking up 270,000 hours to review the oldest records."
After this free offer from Ancestry ends on June 6, you can still get access to these and other Ancestry database records at no cost by visiting our library. Birmingham Public Library provides access to the Ancestry database through it's public Internet computers in the Birmingham Public Library Southern History Department, the Five Points West Branch, the Springville Road Branch, the Avondale Branch, and the North Birmingham Branch.

For more information about genealogy resources available at BPL click here.
