To Kill a Mockingbird Podcasts

Matt Layne and Kelsey Bates are reading two of the most significant sections from To Kill a Mockingbird.
Next, Samuel Rumore, Lillie Fincher, and Renee Blalock offer their reflections and memories about the book, the movie, and the author.
We hope you will enjoy!
Here are the podcasts:
Matt Layne, a former storyteller at North Birmingham and a current Mountain Brook employee, reads from To Kill a Mockingbird: -- Atticus' famous speech on justice and equality.
Kelsey Bates, Grants Writer and Assistant Archivist, reads from To Kill a Mockingbird -- a sin to kill a mockingbird.
Mr. Samuel A. Rumore, Jr., BPL Board Member, reflects on his meeting with Harper Lee, her sister, and the possible origin of a name.
Mrs. Lillie M. H. Fincher, BPL Board President, remembers introducing the book to her grandmother in the early 1960s and then her grandaughter forty years later.
Renee Blalock, Associate Director of BPL, reflects on Harper Lee's famous depiction of childhood and discusses other memorable parts in the book.
For more information about The Big Read, visit The Project Mockingbird site.
Also, if you haven't done so, check out the special promotional video created by staff at BPL. Click here to access it.