Alabama and Lyric Theatres: Open House

If you haven't had the opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Alabama Theatre or witnessed the Lyric Theatre in all its dilapidated beauty, this weekend is your opportunity. On Sunday, June 13 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., there will be an open house for the Alabama and the Lyric.
The Birmingham Weekly has detailed information about this event and BPL's Digital Collection has photographs, newspaper articles, and programs covering the rich history of these two Birmingham treasures.
BPL's Digital Collection:
The Birmingham Weekly has detailed information about this event and BPL's Digital Collection has photographs, newspaper articles, and programs covering the rich history of these two Birmingham treasures.
BPL's Digital Collection:
Oh, and if you go, take a look at the gorgeous white marble in the Lyric. I helped remove the awful green paint that hid its beauty.