
Showing posts from September, 2011

Bards & Brews Poetry Slam October 7

The Birmingham Public Library hosts another poetry slam on Friday, October 7, at the Central Library. Bards & Brews showcases both veteran slammers and first-timers. Held on the first Friday of each month, slams are emceed by poetry slam events director Brian ā€œVoice Porterā€ Hawkins. Each contestant contributes $5 to the pot, and winner takes all. Southern Fried Slam rules will be observed. Craft beer will be available for sampling. You must be 18 years or older to be admitted, and 21 years or older to be served. IDs will be checked. Live music at 6:30 p.m. Call time is 7:00 p.m. Check out the Bards & Brews page on Facebook for more information. This program is made possible by grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts . Take a peek at photos and videos from past slams. Details: Bards & Brews: Birmingham Public Library Poetry Slam Series Central Library 2100 Park Place 1st Friday of every month 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Live musi...

Annual Arts and Crafts Fair at North Birmingham Library

The North Birmingham Library will host its annual Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday, October 1, 2011. All ages are invited to stop by and browse the beautiful crafts created by the talented ladies of the North Birmingham Library Crochet Class. Light refreshments will be served. Where: North Birmingham Library 2501 31st Avenue North Birmingham, AL When: Saturday October 1, 2011 Time: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Admission is free.

Today's Brown Bag Lunch: Growing Fall Vegetables the Organic Way

The arrival of fall doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying fresh produce grown in your home garden. Rachel Reinhart from Jones Valley Urban Farm (JVUF) will show you how to grow fall vegetables organically well into the cool months. Utilizing over three acres of vacant downtown property, JVUF is a community-based non-profit organization that grows organic produce and flowers, educates the community about healthy food, and helps make Birmingham a vibrant community. Wednesday, September 28, noon. In tandem with the Birmingham Public Libraryā€™s Eat Drink Read Write Festival (September 13-17, 2011), we are offering a month of Brown Bag Lunches which will both tickle your taste buds and inspire the ā€œfoodieā€ in you. Join in for some fantastic programming. Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs . You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in Central Libraryā€™s Arrington Auditorium.

The Art of Science: Math Night

Triangles large, medium, and small, A parallelogram and a square, Seven shapes in all, Make it with no spare. Learn geometry the fun way by creating Tangram art. Tangram originated in China and is an ancient puzzle consisting of seven geometric shapes that fits together to form objects. The Art of Science is a grant-funded after-school program conducted by Elinor and Winfield Burks at six Birmingham Public Library branches: Avondale, East Lake, Five Points West, North Birmingham, Powderly, and Springville Road. The program will run nine monthsā€”from September 2011 through December 2012ā€”and will cover the science of nutrition, geometry, sound, plants, optics, recycling, and materials engineering in a hands-on atmosphere. Each program will begin with a science principle and end with a craft or group project. Supplies for the crafts are provided. At each session, the library will showcase books and videos about the programā€™s topic, and introduce age-appropriate databases for children to f...

Regional Library Computer Center Closed September 26-October 2

The Regional Library Computer Center (RLCC) will be closed Monday, September 26-Sunday, October 2. The Computer Commons on the 3rd floor of Central Library's East Building will be open to the public during library hours. The spreadsheets class scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, will still be held in the RLCC.

What If The Shelves Were Empty?

Do you know that everyday books are challenged and removed from library shelves? Speak out against censorship and stand up for freedom this week during Banned Books Week! Join the Birmingham Public Library in celebrating Banned Books Week September 24th - October 1st! There are several ways to get involved! 1. Send us a tweet (@bpl) standing up against censorship! 2. Join us daily on Facebook and see if you can guess why the book of the day was banned! 3. Come by the Central Birmingham Public Library and help us to "Chain the Library"! We will be making a chain this week representing banned books we have read. How long of a chain can we make? The single most dangerous idea out there is the idea that anyone can ban a book and impede your access to information. Exercise your freedom to read. Stand up for the freedom to read.

Friday Photo Fun

It's 1911 and these girls are ready for the night's football game. Or are they? Can you guess what is going on in this photo? The answer will be provided in the comments section. Or you can click here .

RLCC and Computer Commons Closed Thursday and Friday, Respectively

This week computers from the Regional Library Computer Center (RLCC) are being transferred to the Computer Commons so that we may better serve our patrons. The RLCC will be closed Thursday, September 22, and the Computer Commons will be closed Friday, September 23. The RLCC will reopen on Friday with 12 computers available. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Brown Bag Lunch: Growing Fall Vegetables the Organic Way

The arrival of fall doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying fresh produce grown in your home garden. Rachel Reinhart from Jones Valley Urban Farm (JVUF) will show you how to grow fall vegetables organically well into the cool months. Utilizing over three acres of vacant downtown property, JVUF is a community-based non-profit organization that grows organic produce and flowers, educates the community about healthy food, and helps make Birmingham a vibrant community. Wednesday, September 28, noon. In tandem with the Birmingham Public Libraryā€™s Eat Drink Read Write Festival (September 13-17, 2011), we are offering a month of Brown Bag Lunches which will both tickle your taste buds and inspire the ā€œfoodieā€ in you. Join in for some fantastic programming. Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs . You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in Central Libraryā€™s Arrington Auditorium.

Birmingham Public Library To Host Illustrator Michael P. White, September 26-29, 2011

BPL invites you to its 14th annual program celebrating childrenā€™s literature. This year, the library is fortunate to have Michael P. White, illustrator of several marvelous books, including the following: ā€¢ The Library Dragon (winner of the 1997 Flicker Tale Children's Book Award , an Honor Book for the 1997-1998 Florida Reading Association Children's Book Award ) with Carmen Agra Deedy ā€¢ The Secret of Old Zeb (winner of an Award of Merit from the Southeastern Library Association ) with Carmen Agra Deedy ā€¢ Harriet's Horrible Hair Day with Dawn Lesley Stewart Also, Mr. White is currently working on a sequel to The Library Dragon . Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Michael P. White earned his Associate of Arts degree from The Art Institute of Atlanta. Many galleries have featured his work, including the Hudgens Center for the Arts. The library will feature Michael P. Whiteā€™s programs at the following locations: Monday, Sept. 26 ā€¢ 10:30 a.m. - Central Library ā€¢ 1:00 p.m...

A Day in the Bookstore

"You always have something I want!" said a regular customer today as he put the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the counter. "That's why I come here so much. I always find something I want. You have a customer for life in me." Of course, we love to hear comments like that and to see our regular patrons come again and again. People love stories, whether in books, on cds and dvds, and whether they're fiction or true. And many people continue to love to hold and look at the "real" thing even when they can download electronic media versions. And they love a bargain. That's why shopping in the Friends bookstore is so much fun. And why it's gratifying to be a bookstore volunteer. Another customer just bought The Conquest of Mexico , written in the 1930's. And we haggled a little over the price since it was an older book by a highly regarded historian and had missed being priced by our "specially priced" pricer who looks ...

Literature Map Points the Way to Similar Authors

Youā€™ve read everything your favorite author has written, and now you want to find someone who writes like them? Try using the literature map on . Type in the authors you enjoy (one at a time, please) and watch as the names of similar authors swirl around and around the one you typed. The closer they are to your choice, the more like them they write. To explore further, click on any of those names and a new literature map will appear with the writers who are most similar to them. You may agree or disagree, but youā€™ll find plenty of new authors to try. Submitted by Kelly Laney, Springville Road Regional Library

Brown Bag Lunch: Dreamcakes

Meet Jan Moon, the owner and CEO of Dreamcakes , a Homewood bakery famous for its treats, especially the delectable cupcakes. After getting her degree from the University of Alabama, Jan worked in the test kitchens of Southern Living and Cooking Light before striking out on her own with Dreamcakes. Her book, Big Book of Cupcakes , was published this spring. Copies will be available for purchase. Wednesday, September 21, noon. In tandem with the Birmingham Public Libraryā€™s Eat Drink Read Write Festival (September 13-17, 2011), we are offering a month of Brown Bag Lunches which will both tickle your taste buds and inspire the ā€œfoodieā€ in you. Join in for some fantastic programming. Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs . You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in Central Libraryā€™s Arrington Auditorium.

New Materials in the Bookstore

Our bookstore is full of materials these days...we put out lots of new materials just yesterday, including history, political science, biographies, religion and spirituality, plus more graphic novels and teen graphics. As always, we're well stocked with adult fiction, both hardbacks and paperbacks. And we've added more children's materials. One area is causing us some distress: we've not stocked very well with dvds and cds. Does anyone need to shed some of these? We would welcome your donations!!!

The Art of Science: Art Supplies

No money for paints Not a problem, you see. If you know the tricks You can find supplies naturally. You donā€™t need to spend a lot of money on art supplies. Learn how to make clay from natural colorants, and how to make homemade paints and soy wax crayons. The Art of Science is a grant-funded after-school program conducted by Elinor and Winfield Burks at six Birmingham Public Library branches: Avondale, East Lake, Five Points West, North Birmingham, Powderly, and Springville Road. The program will run nine monthsā€”from September 2011 through December 2012ā€”and will cover the science of nutrition, geometry, sound, plants, optics, recycling, and materials engineering in a hands-on atmosphere. Each program will begin with a science principle and end with a craft or group project. Supplies for the crafts are provided. At each session, the library will showcase books and videos about the program, and introduce age-appropriate databases for children to further explore what they learned at each ...

Eat Drink Read Write Festival: Food Writing Workshop at Pepper Place Market

DISCO (Desert Island Supply Company) will lead informal food writing workshops for children and adults at Pepper Place Saturday Market . Library staff will offer food-related craft activities for kids. Food Writing Workshop Pepper Place Saturday Market Saturday, September 17, 2011 9:00 a.m. The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is planning to feed the mind, body and soul during its upcoming Eat Drink Read Write Festival planned for September 13-17, 2011. BPL and event partners Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), Foodies Book Club, and Slow Food Birmingham will present a series of FREE programs bringing food, culinary arts, and literature to the table in a stimulating format. The goal of the Eat Drink Read Write Festival is to raise awareness of food-related issues in our community by exploring these concerns from a variety of perspectives.

Images Get People Talking

Yesterday, I was in a local restaurant and noticed the photographs on the wall. Well, first I noticed the group of people were huddled around the images and making comments. There was a lot of "I remember this ...," "Do you remember that?," "I never knew ...," and "Wow! Look at that..." As I walked near the group, it became apparent that all the photos on display were of bygone days in Jefferson County. Then, I noticed something else: all the photographs were courtesy of the Birmingham Public Library . I began to think of other local restaurants, hotels , and businesses that have remembrances of the past on their walls, many of which are images preserved at the Birmingham Public Library. Why do businesses display these photos on the wall? Because these images from yesteryear get people talking. There's something about delving into history --- especially our local history --- that firmly captures and holds our collective attention. Itā€™s fasci...

Bards & Brews: Birmingham Public Library September Poetry Slam

The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) hosts another Bards & Brews, the popular monthly poetry slam/beer tasting at the Central Library emceed by poetry slam events director Brian ā€œVoice Porterā€ Hawkins. September's Bards & Brews will be on Friday the 16th, NOT the first Friday , and will be part of the line-up for the first annual Eat Drink Read Write Festival . The September event will feature the winners of past Bards & Brews slams. The first place winner receives $100, second place winner $75, and third place winner $50. We're also looking for warm-up poets to perform/read original poems related to food and drink. Free the Hops (FTH) will provide information about craft beers. Back Forty Beer Company and Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company will provide beer for sampling. Continental Bakery/Chez Lulu will donate refreshments. You must be 18 years or older to be admitted and 21 years or older to be served. IDs will be check...

Birmingham Public Library To Host Illustrator Michael P. White, September 26-29, 2011

BPL invites you to its 14th annual program celebrating childrenā€™s literature. This year, the library is fortunate to have Michael P. White, illustrator of several marvelous books, including the following: ā€¢ The Library Dragon (winner of the 1997 Flicker Tale Children's Book Award , an Honor Book for the 1997-1998 Florida Reading Association Children's Book Award ) with Carmen Agra Deedy ā€¢ The Secret of Old Zeb (winner of an Award of Merit from the Southeastern Library Association ) with Carmen Agra Deedy ā€¢ Harriet's Horrible Hair Day with Dawn Lesley Stewart Also, Mr. White is currently working on a sequel to The Library Dragon . Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Michael P. White earned his Associate of Arts degree from The Art Institute of Atlanta. Many galleries have featured his work, including the Hudgens Center for the Arts. The library will feature Michael P. Whiteā€™s programs at the following locations: Monday, Sept. 26 ā€¢ 10:30 a.m. - Central Library ā€¢ 1:00 p.m...

Test Prep Made Easy with LearningExpress Library

Weā€™re seeing a huge increase in the numbers of patrons wanting test prep materials. Since these materials are often checked out, weā€™ve been showing more and more people how to use the LearningExpress Library. If youā€™re looking for ways to prepare for the ACT, SAT, ASVAB, GED, or dozens of other tests, from the top of BPL's webpage click on: Databases Click on the drop-down menu for Database Quick Links and scroll down to locate the link for LearningExpress Library (If you're accessing the database outside the library, you'll be prompted for your name and library card number.) Search for or select a link to the desired test There are practice tests, tips on taking online tests, useful links, and, in some cases, preparatory courses. Use this database to prepare for a test while waiting for your reserved materials to arrive. Submitted by Kelly Laney, Springville Road Regional Library

Eat Drink Read Write Festival: Food Films

Screening of a montage of short food-related films by Joe York, filmmaker for the University of Mississippi Center for Documentary Projects. York works with the Southern Foodways Alliance (SFA) and has created SFA films on topics ranging from artisanal cheese producers in the South to the journey of Vietnamese fishermen to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Louisiana. Refreshments provided by local area restaurants. The event is FREE; reservations are required via Eventbrite . Food Films Central Library Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:30 p.m. The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is planning to feed the mind, body and soul during its upcoming Eat Drink Read Write Festival planned for September 13-17, 2011. BPL and event partners Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), Foodies Book Club, and Slow Food Birmingham will present a series of FREE programs bringing food, culinary arts, and literature to the table in a stimulating format. The goal of the Eat Drink Read Write Festival is...

Brown Bag Lunch: PieLab

BPL's Brown Bag Lunch Series will showcase PieLab of Greensboro, Alabama. PieLab is combination cafĆ©, community meeting place and design studio that brings people together over food to strike up a conversation. ā€œPie + Conversation = Ideas / Ideas + Design = Positive Change." Pies will be available for sampling. Wednesday, September 14, noon. In tandem with the Birmingham Public Libraryā€™s Eat Drink Read Write Festival (September 13-17, 2011), we are offering a month of Brown Bag Lunches which will both tickle your taste buds and inspire the ā€œfoodieā€ in you. Join in for some fantastic programming. Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs . You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in Central Libraryā€™s Arrington Auditorium.

Eat Drink Read Write Festival: Food Stories

Food Stories, hosted by DISCO (Desert Island Supply Company) will be a live storytelling event modeled after NPRā€™s popular program, ā€œThe Moth.ā€ Local storytellers will have five minutes to tell a true story in the first personā€”the story subject must involve food. Cash bar and light snacks. Food Stories Woodrow Hall, 5504 1st Ave North, Woodlawn Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:00 p.m. The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is planning to feed the mind, body and soul during its upcoming Eat Drink Read Write Festival planned for September 13-17, 2011. BPL and event partners Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), Foodies Book Club, and Slow Food Birmingham will present a series of FREE programs bringing food, culinary arts, and literature to the table in a stimulating format. The goal of the Eat Drink Read Write Festival is to raise awareness of food-related issues in our community by exploring these concerns from a variety of perspectives.

Remembering 9/11 and Honoring Heroes

Subject Guide Books, Videos, Online Resources and Websites Covering 9/11 It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since that fateful day in September 2001. We all remember exactly where we were on that day, and it changed us and the United States forever. The Social Sciences department has put together a display of books, audio books, and DVDs. Many of these books were published immediately after the terrorist attacks, and we also have brand new books that offer a retrospective look at September 11, 2001. The Youth Department has a display of age appropriate titles on September 11th and also books describing the jobs of firemen, police officers, and other heroes of the day. We have also put together the 9/11 subject guide to direct you to the resources we have on that topic. ++ Click to Enlarge Image ++ Source: Custom Reusable Bags

Eat Drink Read Write Festival: Foodies Book Club

Barry Estabrook, award-winning jouralist and author of Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit , opens Birmingham Public Library's Eat Drink Read Write Festival by leading a discussion about tomatoes. James Beard Award winner and Alabama native, chef Frank Stitt , will discuss tomato varieties and offer samples of tomato-based dishes. This event promises to launch the festival with thought-provoking conversation and appetizing fare. Foodies Book Club Central Library Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:00 p.m. The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is planning to feed the mind, body, and soul during its upcoming Eat Drink Read Write Festival planned for September 13-17, 2011. BPL and event partners Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), Foodies Book Club, and Slow Food Birmingham will present a series of FREE programs bringing food, culinary arts, and literature to the table in a stimulating format. The goal of the Eat Drink Read Write Festival is to...

Eat Drink Read Write Food Festival to Begin September 13

The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is planning to feed the mind, body, and soul during its upcoming Eat Drink Read Write Festival planned for September 13-17, 2011. BPL and event partners Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), Foodies Book Club , and Slow Food Birmingham will present a series of FREE programs bringing food, culinary arts, and literature to the table in a stimulating format. The goal of the Eat Drink Read Write Festival is to raise awareness of food-related issues in our community by exploring these concerns from a variety of perspectives. The festival opens on Tuesday, September 13 at BPLā€™s Central Library with a discussion led by Barry Estabrook, an award-winning journalist and author of Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit . James Beard Award winner and Alabama native, Chef Frank Stitt , will discuss tomato varieties and offer samples of tomato-based dishes. This 6:00 p.m. event promises to launch the festival with ...

This really happened?

Serial killers, assassinations, and murder in the most unlikely places all describe a section of books called True Crime (364 call number) in the Social Sciences department. We have put together a display of books, DVDs, and audio books that will be sure to make your spine tingle. These are not stories from one author's imagination, but these are tales of crime as it actually happened. Read about the Zodiac killer, the JFK assassination, the Natalee Holloway case, and so much more! Visit us today in the Social Sciences department, or call us at 205-226-3640.

Get a handle on your mess!

Does this picture describe your house? It is Storage and Organization Month in the Business, Science, and Technology Department at The Birmingham Public Library! Have a cluttered closet? Is your bookshelf overflowing? Simply need more space? We have put together a display of books to transition your space from cluttered to a organized blissful paradise. Stop by the third floor of the Central branch, or call us at 205-226-3690.

September Brown Bag Lunches @ the Birmingham Public Library Celebrate Eat Drink Read Write Festival

In tandem with the Birmingham Public Libraryā€™s Eat Drink Read Write Festival (September 13-17, 2011), we are offering a month of Brown Bag Lunches which will both tickle your taste buds and inspire the ā€œfoodieā€ in you. Join in for some fantastic programming. September 7 * The Cheeseman Cometh Over the past decade, the number of small, independent cheese producers in the United States has skyrocketed. Chip Brantley, a former cheesemaker and now lecturer in journalism at the University of Alabama, will give a brief history of the American cheese business and talk about the ins and outs of making cheese. Chip has written for many publications, including Gourmet , Southern Living and the Oxford American , and he is the author of The Perfect Fruit: Good Breeding, Bad Seeds and the Hunt for the Elusive Pluot . September 14 * PieLab PieLab is a combination cafe, design studio and civic meeting place in the small rural town of Greensboro in Alabamaā€™s impoverished Black Belt. PieLab is based o...