LEGO My Library
Recently the Birmingham Public Library invested in our children’s education and learning process by adding LEGOS to our programming. Some of these Library LEGO Learning Sessions have produced such creations as dinosaurs, self-portraits, castles, ships, and more. It’s hard to say who learns the most—the children or adults. So parents, when you see the Birmingham Public Library hosting a LEGO program, don’t think twice, drop everything and rush to the library immediately for LEGO play time (I mean learning time).
For more LEGO fun, check out these books and other LEGO items at your local library.
The LEGO Adventure Book by Megan Rothrock
The LEGO Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
Heroes in Action by Shari Last
The Race for Chi by Amos Ruth
Calling All Master Builders by David Fentiman
Carla Perkins
Avondale Library