Fact vs. Fiction: Busting the Social Security Myths Presentation Hosted by Central Library, April 25

The purpose of the Social Security System is to provide income support for people who do not work, either due to old age or disability. As a function of the federal government, the system is made up of a complex array of policies, procedures, and regulations. This complexity invariably creates for us some confusion and prompts some questions:

  • Is Social Security going bankrupt?
  • Will Social Security fully fund your retirement?
  • Will you get out of Social Security the amount you put in?
  • Should you enroll in Social Security as soon as you’re eligible?
  • Can you work and receive benefits?

Unfortunately, incorrect answers to these kinds of questions have proliferated and have helped to spawn quite a few myths and misconceptions regarding Social Security. Get ready for a reality check. In this presentation, attendees will get informed answers to common questions and learn the facts about the agency’s different benefit programs. The presenter will be Briana Collins, Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration (SSA) in Alabama.

Fact vs. Fiction: Busting the Social Security Myths will be held on Monday, April 25, 2016, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., in the Central Library’s Arrington Auditorium. The event is free but registration is required. Please register by contacting Jim Murray of the Central Library’s Business, Science and Technology Department by e-mail at jmurray@bham.lib.al.us. Before coming to the event, attendees are also encouraged to create their own My Social Security account on the SSA’s website at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount, and then bring the completed statement with them. This will allow for specific questions to be discussed and more precise answers provided.

Jim Murray
Business, Science and Technology Department
Central Library
