
Showing posts from April, 2024

Birmingham Folk Festival Partners with Avondale Library This Saturday, May 4

  The Birmingham Folk Festival is in Avondale Park this Saturday, May 4, 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., and features free activities at the Avondale Regional Library and the Avondale United Methodist Church .  Birmingham, Ala. -  The Birmingham Folk Festiva l returns to Avondale Park this Saturday, May 4, at Avondale Park. This free family-friendly event will take place from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. and feature a full day of music, art, and poetry. For the first time, the festival is partnering with the Avondale Regional Library and Avondale United Methodist Church, both a short walk from Avondale Park.  The Birmingham Folk Festival will present live performances featuring bluegrass, gospel, blues, Americana, West African drumming and dance, mariachi, hip-hop, brass band, and more. Food, arts and crafts, vendors, dance, and other activities for the whole family will be ongoing throughout the day.  Join us as Avondale Park comes alive with art and sound from ar...

Artists from the Sloss Metal Arts Program Display Works at the Birmingham Public Library

  Rack , Virginia Elliott, handwoven fabric cast in iron, 2022 An exhibition featuring works by artists of the Sloss Metal Arts  program is currently on display at the Birmingham Public Library (BPL). The show features pieces by Virginia Elliott, Hugh Patton, Kara Theart, Alexandra Rose Weaver, and Ajene Williams.  The exhibition will be on view through Friday, May 31, at the Central Library , where it is installed in the glass cases on the first floor. Media include cast iron, steel, fabric, a large-scale drawing, pales from the Iron River in Michigan, a lightbulb, and more!  The public is invited to a reception honoring the artists on Saturday, May 4. It will take place from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in BPLā€™s Fourth Floor Gallery. Both the exhibition and reception are free and open to the public.  Sloss Metal Arts is a cast iron art program operating out of Sloss Furnacesā€™ historic No. 2 Casting Shed. The programming is dedicated to teaching and expanding metal castin...

Celebrate International Jazz Day With Free Concert at BPL's Central Library on Tuesday, April 30

  The Birmingham Public Library's "Loud at the Library" series is hosting saxophonist Fred Jones Jr. this upcoming Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. for a free jazz show in the courtyard across the street from the downtown Central Library .  The courtyard is located between the BPL Research Library and the Jefferson County Courthouse. Bring your chair or blanket and make it a picnic with our featured food truck: King Vee Hotdogs!  International Jazz Day is observed annually on April 30, as the culmination of Jazz Appreciation Month in April, celebrating the diplomatic history and impact of jazz across the globe with events taking place in more than 180 countries.  The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) first officially designated April 30 as International Jazz Day in November 2011 to honor the genreā€™s history of expression and advocacy for equality. This day brings together communities, artists, historians, ...

Will Jacks Artist Exhibit "rabbit, rabbit" to Open May 3 at the Birmingham Public Library

Will Jacks, an assistant professor of art-photography at Troy University, is the visionary behind the rabbit, rabbit  exhibit opening May 3 at the Central Library's Fourth Floor Gallery downtown.       Photo credit: K. Weatherford Birmingham, Ala. -   The Birmingham Public Library is hosting a new art exhibit, rabbit, rabbit , opening to the public on Friday, May 3, in the Fourth Floor Gallery of the Central Library downtown, 2100 Park Place. The  rabbit, rabbit exhibit was created by artist Will Jacks , an artist and assistant professor of art/photography at Troy University. (Please note the exhibition title is NOT capitalized as the artist intended).  The exhibition is the latest in the Birmingham Public Library's visual arts series, Art For Everyone, which debuted in January and is happening throughout 2024 at the Central Library downtown. The series is made possible by a grant that the  Alabama State Council on the Arts  awarded ...

An Art Exhibition at the Birmingham Public Library Celebrates Autism Acceptance Month

Rainbow Houses , Ken Oā€™Loughlin, acrylic on canvas, 24ā€ x 36ā€  Birmingham, Ala. -  This April, the Birmingham Public Library celebrates Autism Acceptance Month with an art exhibition titled A World in a Grain of Sand . The exhibition features works in various media by artists from Studio By The Tracks (SBTT). Studio By The Tracks is a nonprofit community arts studio that has been serving artists with autism for 35 years.  A World in a Grain of Sand is the latest installment in BPLā€™s visual arts series, Art for Everyone , which dĆ©buted in January. The exhibition is on display in the First Floor Gallery at the Central Library  through Friday, May 31.  In conjunction with A World in a Grain of Sand , SBTTā€™s artist in residence Tara Stallworth Lee  will offer two workshops on the art of hand papermaking on Tuesday, May 7. A youth workshop will take place from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., followed by a similar for adults from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Please stay tuned to the B...

Celebrate Earth Day 2024 by Picking Up Free Seedlings at Southside Branch Library

Celebrate Earth Day with free seedlings while supplies last this week at Southside Branch Library.  Today, Monday, April 22, is Earth Day 2024 . For over 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated across the country, and the globe, through the mobilization for environmental causes. While it is not a federally recognized holiday, many celebrate Earth Day through environmental education, awareness, and action.  In preparation for spring and in celebration of Earth Day, Southside Branch Library will be giving away free seedlings in pots from today, April 22, through Friday, April 26. Pick up a seedling and nurture and observe your plant as it changes through the season.  Our quantities are VERY LIMITED, so hurry in for the best selection. Canā€™t find a seedling that you want? No problem! You can browse our Seeds @ Southside Seed Library and find the perfect seeds to start in your home or garden.  For more information, call Southside Branch at 205-933-7776 or drop by our ...

Best of Enemies: German Prisoners of War in AL with Mike McConnell, Saturday, April 20

During World War ā…”, 16,000 German prisoners of war called Alabama their temporary home. For many, their stay counted among the best of their wartime experiences, so good in fact that years later some would continue to return for reunions that kept them in touch with Alabamians. However, tensions existed tooā€”some prisoners lived better and enjoyed more privileges than the farmers and townspeople who endured wartime rationing.

What It was Like to See the Solar Eclipse at 100 Percent Totality in Missouri

West Plains, Missouri, in direct path of last week's solar eclipse, went all-out for the event, hosting a charity concert, hot air balloon glow-up, and fireworks. BPL's Cyndi Barnett saw it in person.  By Cyndi Barnett   Birmingham, Ala. - When the opportunity to view the 100% totality of the solar eclipse was within my grasp, I knew I had to take it.  I drove 6.5 hours and 420 miles, one way, to West Plains, Missouri to meet up with my best friend and her son. The town went all-out  for the eclipse with a charity concert, hot air balloon glow-up, and fireworks.  On eclipse day, many tourists and citizens descended upon the Civic Center for a presentation on the history and science of eclipses from the Missouri State University Department of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science. They even had telescopes with special filters so we could view the eclipse close-up. With no clouds in the sky, we sat on the lawn eagerly awaiting totality.  As the moon m...

BPL Movie Review: "Dream Scenario"

It's time to explore your dreams. Dreams are a topic that has always fascinated me. The sheer randomness and madness behind what goes on in our minds during heavy sleep can make for a great conversation with any colleague. In fact, I am not afraid to admit that I have a dream diary. It has helped me understand my inner thoughts better and how they could be connected with one another.  Now, imagine if you were having an average or a possibly forgettable dream, not a nightmare or a burst of ecstatic activity. Letā€™s say that you were walking through a dilapidated neighborhood and there was a mailman crying because he saw a walrus playing soccer with his nieces and nephews. Then, out of the blue, actor  Nicolas Cage shows up and does nothing. He just stands there on the soccer field as if he belongs somewhere else. After a few minutes of awkwardly doing absolutely nothing, he becomes the referee for this soccer match.  This is the premise for the movie  Dream Scenario ....

The Birmingham Public Library & Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers Present ā€œAlcohol Free: The Way To Be 2024" on April 17 at Central Library

  In observance of Alcohol Awareness Month , the Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is partnering with Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers, Inc.  to present Alcohol Free: The Way to Be 2024.  This free, informative event will feature a panel discussion on alcohol abuse and the problems it presents to our community. In addition, representatives from 30 local organizations will be on hand to share information on a variety of topics. Alcohol Free: The Way to Be 2024 will take place on the first floor of the Central Library this Wednesday, April 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The panel discussion will begin at 12:00 p.m. Wayne Rogers ( Jefferson County Sheriffā€™s Office ) and Pamela Butler ( Alabama Department of Mental Health ) among others will address the serious matter of alcohol addiction which claims the lives of 90,000 Americans every year.  For the duration of the event, a group of local organizations will be on hand to share information and resources o...

Birmingham Public Library Adds TonieBoxes To Its Collection

The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is pleased to announce the addition of TonieBoxes to our collection. What Is A Toniebox? The Toniebox is a digital audio player (screen-free) for children. This innovative toy uses audio storytelling to introduce pre-readers and developing readers to the wonders of narrative. The music and stories that come with each Tonie make a great supplement to playtime.

April Book Picks by North Birmingham Regional Library

  North Birmingham Regional Library  staff selected their favorite books for the month of April. Today, Wednesday, April 10, is National Library Outreach Day,  a part of  National Library Week (April 7-13) We are celebrating by allowing staff members at North Birmingham Regional Library to select their favorite items from our collection. The April selections are as follows: Copper Sun by Sharon Draper   This 2006 YA novel features an enslaved girl to showcase the horrors of the African slave trade. The book shares the story of two 15-year-old girls, one a slave and the other an indentured servant, who escape their Carolina plantation and try to make their way to Fort Moses Florida, a sanctuary for escaped slaves.   The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck  Published in 1939, this award winning novel features the story of a family looking for work during the dust bowl.  Kafkaesque by Peter Kuper & Franz Kafka   This graphic novel...

Traveling? Try These Travel Destination Resources Courtesy of BPL Databases

  Click on the BPL Databases QR code for information on our online resources to help travelers. More National Library Week information showing how our Birmingham Public Library locations across the city are more than just a place to check out books, DVDs and CDs. Did you know you can start the process of getting a passport to travel this summer from the Birmingham Public Library downtown?  The Birmingham Public Library is pleased to announce that it has recently added the World Trade Press AtoZ Database Collection to BPL's online reference travel offerings . This database, free to our library cardholders, offers a variety of databases so patrons can gain deeper insight into possible destinations.  Click here to see BPL's full online virtual database, beyond just travel resources.   The World Trade Press AtoZ Database Collection includes the following resources:   Global Road Warrior  Contains country guides for each of 175 countries worldwide. ...

2024 A Novel Tasting Silent Auction Spotlight: 2 Paintings Donated by Trussville Artist Amy Peterson

Library Lamp Light, a 12 x 12 inch painting valued at $750, will be available for purchase at BPL's 2024 A Novel Tasting Silent Auction this Thursday, April 11, at the Central Library downtown .   Overlooking 21st St N. View from Skywalk,  a 12 x 12 inch painting valued at $750 depicting scene from the Skywalk separating BPL's East Building from the BPL Research Building, is available for purchase at the 2024 A Novel Tasting Silent Auction this Thursday, April 11, at the Central Library. Artist Amy Peterson presents the Library Lamp Light painting to Chandler Champion, BPL's Director of Development, and BPL Library Assistant III Margaret Splane Artist Amy Peterson presents Overlooking 21st St N. View from SkyWalk  to Chandler Champion, left, BPL's Director of Development, and Margaret Splane, BPL Library Assistant II   Birmingham, Ala. -  Attendees to  A Novel Tasting , the Birm ingham Public Library (BPL) fundraiser taking place this Thursday, April 11, ...

Celebrate National Small Business Week by Learning to Navigate BPL's Online Business Resources

National Small Business Week is an annual event that celebrates and recognizes the contributions of small businesses to our local economy. In 2024, National Small Business Week takes place Sunday, April 28, through Saturday, May 4. This is the perfect time to highlight the Birmingham Public Library's online resources available through Gale Business that can help aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners succeed.

Magic City Art Mart at BPL, Imagination Festival Happening in April

Two recipients of the 2024 City of Birmingham Community Arts Grant will host programs this month, according to a press release from Create Birmingham . Friends Foundation of the Birmingham Public Library in partnership with artist Zena Barker has launched Magic City Art Mart, a dedicated space within the Birmingham Public Library ā€™s Central Library  that collects and distributes free art supplies to community members. You can receive free art supplies on Tuesdays and Saturdays (including today, Tuesday, April 9, from 5:00ā€“7:00 p.m. in Create205 Lab on 2nd Floor of the Central Library as part of Magic City Art Mart.  Magic City Art Mart strives to create a supportive and inclusive artistic community, through organizing workshops and events, skill development, and the sharing of diverse perspectives. Magic City Art Mart is located at Create205 Lab and is open Tuesday 5:00ā€“7:00 p.m. and Saturday 12:00ā€“3:00 p.m. You can also follow them on Instagram @magiccityartmart. Foundati...