
Showing posts from August, 2007

Instant Help is On the Way with IM

Beginning Tuesday, September 4 you will be able to ā€œinstant messageā€ the library for help. With this live, online reference service , librarians will be on hand to answer your questions via instant messaging from 2:00 ā€“ 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Initially a service of the libraryā€™s Southern History Department for genealogical questions , the instant message reference service now extends to the libraryā€™s comprehensive general collection and will cover topics in arts, sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, government and everything else the library has to offer. Ask your question and leave it to the professionals and their arsenal of tools to locate an answer and type it back to you ASAP. Instant messaging is faster than e-mail and allows users to see and save the written conversation. All you need to do is to add ā€œBhamLibrarianā€ to your AOL (AIM) or Yahoo buddy list, ask a question, and receive an answer in real time. Real time, real fast, really!

Family Place Librariesā„¢ @ Avondale and Springville Road

The Birmingham Public Library is pleased to announce that the Avondale and Springville Road Branch Libraries are the first in Alabama to be designated as Family Place Libraries ā„¢. Family Place Librariesā„¢ is a network of childrenā€™s librarians nationwide who believe that literacy begins at birth, and that libraries can help build healthy communities by nourishing healthy families. Family Place Librariesā„¢ welcome infants and toddlers and their families and caregivers. Special areas in the Youth Departments at Avondale and Springville Road Branch libraries have been created to entice young children and parents to play together. A collection of parenting materials and resources are displayed in the childrenā€™s area so that parents have easy access for reading while visiting the library and for check out. One of the key components of Family Place Librariesā„¢ is an organized time for children birth through age 3 and their parents to play and learn together. The five week program, ā€œ1,2,3 Play ...

Read it Forward @ the Library

The Birmingham Public Library will launch the 3rd annual Read It Forward project in September 2007. Read It Forward is a community-wide reading program designed to encourage teenagers to read. The concept is based on the book Pay it Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde . It is a story about an eighth grader who decides to change the world by doing a good deed for someone and then asks that person to ā€œpay it forwardā€ by doing the same for others. This yearā€™s Read It Forward selection starts off early with a bang, or rather, an eruption! The non-fiction book Bodies from the Ash by James M. Deem has been selected to be read in conjunction with the Birmingham Museum of Artā€™s exhibit Pompeii: Tales from an Eruption . Bodies from the Ash tells the story of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and the destruction and preservation of the Roman cities Pompeii and Herculaneum. The book includes lots of photographs that vividly tell the story of what happened to the residents of Pompeii dur...

Thousands Get a Clue @ The Birmingham Public Library

Thanks to all who participated in the Birmingham Public Library 2007 Summer Reading Program ā€œGet a Clue @ Your Libraryā€ and the teen component ā€œYNK @ Your Library.ā€ We experienced a wonderful summer filled with lots of exciting programs presented by the Birmingham Public Library storytellers and librarians. A total of 381 programs were offered in the 20 Birmingham Public Library locations during June and July with an attendance of 18,498. The libraries hosted a variety of programs including arts and crafts, movies and popcorn, video and board games, and even ā€œgrub downā€ with the resident library animals. A variety of special guest performers included the Umdabu Dance Company, the McWane Center, the Jefferson County Sheriffā€™s Department, Magic Man Larry Moore, storytellers Andy Offutt Irwin and Carolyn Baylor and 12 year-old Elvis impersonator, Alex Swindle. 5,422 kids registered for participation in the summer reading program and read a total of 59,841 books. This number includes 579 ...

Back-to-School Supply List

Important items for Back-to-School 1. Register/Update your Jefferson County Library Card How to get your library card How to renew your library card Library locations and hours 2. Get Valuable and Useful Homework Information from the Jefferson County Library Cooperative's Catalog Search the JCLC Catalog 3. Visit the BPL Databases Learn all about BPL's Databases and use these resources to help make homework reports and projects easy. 4. Get Online Homework Help Live Homework Help is available Sunday through Thursday 3:00 pm to 10 pm. 5. Ask a Librarian a Question Librarians are available by email, telephone, and instant message. 6. School Information School websites and information 7. Subscribe to BPL's Calendar of Events and Blogs Keep up with programs, activities and computer classes going on at your library. Calendar of Events News, Reviews and Information blog Digital Collections blog Regional Library Computer Center blog 8. Add BPL as a MySpace Friend Search the cata...

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month

Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­Ā­September is National Library Card Sign-up month ! Birmingham Public Library encourages library users to sign up for a library card or trade old wallet library cards for a new keychain card for FREE ! We are waiving the usual replacement fee for the month of September only. Visit your local library and discover all your card can do for you. Or visit us online to discover your 24/7 virtual library.

Library Closed Sept. 2 - 3

All locations of the Birmingham Public Library will be closed Sunday, September 2 through Monday, September 3 for Labor Day .

BPL's First Podcast- Building Blocks for Your Small Business

The Birmingham Public Library has unveiled its first podcast. In this monumental piece, the library interviews David Ramp, Director of UAB's Small Business Development Center , about the upcoming library series entitled "Building Blocks for Your Small Business @ Your Library." Powered by We hope everyone interested in starting a small business will attend. Here is the schedule for the three-seminar series ( pdf flyer ) : ā€œ Marketing Your Business ā€ will be held from 9:00-11:00 on Wednesday, September 26, 2007. ā€œ Protecting Your Business ā€ will be held from 9:00-11:00 on Wednesday, October 3, 2007. ā€œ Financing Your Business ā€ will be held from 9:00-11:00 on October 17, 2007. Seminar leaders include members of S.C.O.R.E., the Service Corps of Retired Executives, and UAB's Small Business Development Center. So, if you're considering starting a business or have already done so, please join us. All sessions are free and open to the public and they will...

The Birmingham Public Library Will Host the 10th Annual Childrenā€™s Author/Storyteller Event

The Birmingham Public Library is proud to host award winning storyteller, Diane Ferlatte. Diane is known for her humor, depth, and tenderness, as well as for the intimate and personal rapport she has formed with audiences worldwide for over 20 years. An award winning artist, Ferlatte loves to tell African American stories, as well as stories that touch upon our common humanity. Her latest recording, Wickety Whack, Brer Rabbit is Back has received the 2007 Parentsā€™ Choice Gold Award , The American Library Associationā€™s 2007 Notable Childrenā€™s Recording Award , and the 2007 iParenting Media Award . A Storytelling Circle of Excellence recipient, Ferlatte has toured and performed internationally, including Holland, France, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia. Musician Erik Pearson accompanies Ferlatte on banjo and guitar. Schedule of Appearances: Monday, September 24, 2007 Central Library ā€“ 10:30 a.m. Five Points West Branch Library ā€“ 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 25, 2007 Smithfie...

Actor Blair Underwood Writes Hard-Boiled Detective Novel

Blair Underwood has pulled out the big guns for his first novel by teaming up with husband and wife authors Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due . Their collaboration on Casanegra: A Tennyson Hardwick Story is garnering praise from book critics, readers, and fans of Underwoodā€™s day jobā€”acting. Casanegra is a play on the classic movie title Casablanca , and it is the first in a series about Tennyson Hardwickā€™s adventures in the seedy city of Hollywood, California. Ten Hardwick is a former gigolo and current actor-on-the-rise. When he reunites with rapper Afrodite, a former client, he becomes a suspect in her murder. Hardwick has to use his charm, good looks, and street smarts to clear his name. Casanegra mixes vintage noir with an urban fiction edge. There is plenty of police corruption, gangster rivalries, action, and steamy scenes to keep you entertained as Hardwick goes on a manhunt for the real killer. With the book taking off as it has, you can bet that a team of screenwriters ar...

Want to Knock $2 Off Your Fines?

The August/September/October edition of The Reader contains a short survey. The feedback we receive will help our libraries better serve our patrons. To thank you for your efforts, a $2 coupon is included with the survey. Just present the completed survey and coupon to your local library for payment on fines accrued. The coupon is not good for payments on lost or damaged items. Limit one coupon per card holder. One time use only. Coupon expires October 31, 2007. Donā€™t have any fines? Weā€™d still like to hear from you. Just mail the survey to JCLC, Reader Survey, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL, 35203, or drop it off at your local library. You may also fill out the survey online .

125-year-old Alexandre Dumas Novel to be Published in September

A long lost novel by Alexandre Dumas was discovered in the National Library in Paris by longtime Dumas scholar, Claude Schopp . The book was originally published as a serial in a magazine, and once Schopp discovered one piece of the book, he embarked on a search to find all of them. It took him 15 years to piece together the book, and another 5 years to edit it. The Last Cavalier is a classic Dumas story of revenge set in the Napoleonic era. The book, which was published in France in 2005, has sold 250,000 copies. Many critics are saying that it is reminiscent of the author's most popular works, The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo . Pegasus Books will publish it in the USA this September. Join Count Hector de Sainte -Hermine in his adventures by reserving your copy in advance. Links: To learn more about Dumas' life and bibliography, search the Biography Resource Center (library card is required)

Birmingham Public Library Storytellers to Weave Stories for Childrenā€™s Hospital Patients

Childrenā€™s Hospital and the Birmingham Public Library have partnered to provide Childrenā€™s patients with an enchanting story time. Beginning August 27, one of the libraryā€™s storytellers will visit the hospital monthly to entertain patients through this time-honored oral tradition. Using voice and motion, the storytellers will engage the patients by weaving music and art into their stories. ā€œWe are very excited about this new partnership with the Birmingham Public Library. The storytellers will entertain and engage our patients by making literature come to life,ā€ said community outreach coordinator Laura Caudell. ā€œWe look forward to working with the Library to ensure our patients understand and appreciate the importance of reading and literature.ā€ ā€œThe Birmingham Public Library is pleased to partner with Children's Hospital and Bright House Networks to provide story time for patients and their families,ā€ said Janine Langston, Literacy and Outreach Coordinator for the library. ā€œLib...

Book Review: Killed Cartoons

I rarely get my news from newspapers anymore, but when I do peruse the paper I head to the commentary section to see whatā€™s on the minds of journalists and my fellow citizens, and, most importantly, to see the editorial cartoons. My poor husband whoā€™s trying to eat his meal in peace has to endure my tsk-tsking if I donā€™t agree with a cartoon, snickers if I do, and rants if Iā€™m really offended. Scott Stantis , Hoover resident and editorial cartoonist for The Birmingham News , is one of my favorites and his cartoons are usually right on the money. Case in point is his recent cartoon showing two devils in hell wiping the sweat from their brows saying, ā€œMan! Itā€™s hot as Birmingham today!" Heh heh. I picked up Killed Cartoons off the libraryā€™s 1st floor display shelf because I just had to see what cartoons were so controversial that an editor would refuse to print them. I thought editors thrived on controversy. Isnā€™t this what sells best these days? I was surprised to find out this i...

The Cheater's Guide to Baseball

The Cheaterā€™s Guide to Baseball by Derek Zumsteg. I loved this book. How can you not love a book that promises to teach you how to ā€œhurl a spitball, cork a bat, steal signs and throw a world series?ā€ And Zumsteg actually carries out on his promise and shows you how to cheat in these and many other nefarious ways. But itā€™s all in good fun. Honest. Really. Zumsteg, who writes for Baseball Prospectus , believes that cheating is what made baseball the game we have today. He argues that over the gameā€™s long history, cheating has compelled the authorities to write new rules, change existing rules, and otherwise adapt to create the wonderfully complex, compelling game that we have today. As a former Boy Scout Iā€™m not sure I buy this. Cheating is cheating. Still Zumstegā€™s presents a hilarious history of the game through the rules and those who tried to circumvent them. My favorite example of his theory is physical contact on the base paths. Now, originally, baseball was not envisioned as a f...

Cahaba Saxophone Quartet at Central Aug. 16

BPL @ Night will present the very popular Cahaba Saxophone Quartet on Thursday, August 16th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Atrium of the downtown library . This professional group of musicians will offer saxophone music from a wide range of genres: from Baroque to Contemporary.

Movie Review: "Bridge To Terabithia"

I recently had the pleasure of viewing the dvd, ā€œ Bridge To Terabithia ā€, based on the Newbery Medal-winning childrenā€™s classic. I encourage everyone to watch this film and allow themselves, for a time, to become lost in a far away magical kingdom called "Terabithia". Perhaps we should all make more time to occasionally revisit old friends we made while reading well-worn but favorite childrenā€™s books. If you have never read the book, you will be enchanted by this imaginary world created by Jess and Leslie. Jess Aaron is finally the fastest boy in school, that is until Leslie Burke moves into the small town community. The Aarons are a farm family and often have financial difficulties. Jessā€™ interest in art and his imagination are difficult for his family to understand. On the other hand, Leslieā€™s parents are writers and spend much of their time meeting deadlines to finish books. Both Jess Aaron and Leslie Burke are lonely and desperate to feel a sense of belonging. Of c...

In the news: Born to Read program

The Birmingham News today reports that Jefferson County Public Library Cooperative's new program for parents and their babies will begin in September. Libraries hope new parents take book home with baby Born to Read program aims to educate parents and kids Jefferson County libraries and the United Way are aiming to put free books into the tiny hands of 10,000 babies born annually in the county's seven maternity hospitals, starting in September. . . . To read the rest of the article click here .

Powderly closed Saturday

Due to air-conditioning problems, Powderly is closed today.

Library Receives Award to Present Evening Programs for BPL @ Night

The Birmingham Public Library was awarded $15,000 by the Jefferson County Community Arts Fund for BPL @ Nightā€”a series of evening programs that will be presented at the Central, regional, and branch libraries. The Jefferson County Community Arts Fund award is made possible through the Jefferson County Commission and is administered by the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham. The funding was awarded just as the Cultural Alliance released an economic impact studyā€”conducted by the national arts-advocacy group Americans for the Artsā€”of the arts in Jefferson County. The study revealed that Jefferson Countyā€™s nonprofit arts and culture industry generates more than $125 million in economic activity annually. The Cultural Alliance announced a total of $557,981 in awards in March. The Birmingham Public Library applied for funding in response to positive feedback from Library patrons attending recent BPL @ Night programs. Last year the Library welcomed visitors for performances by classical ...

Book Review: Animal, Vegetable, and Miracle

Want some food for thought in a book that is a pleasure to read? Consider checking out Bestselling author Barbara Kingsolverā€™s newest book Animal, Vegetable, and Miracle:A Year of Food Life. This nonfiction title cleverly blends an engaging memoir of her family's year of living on home grown and locally produced foods in southwestern Virginia, with thoughts on rural life, the global food industry, health and local farmers' economics. Writing in a manner both folksy and witty, she describes how her family lived on the land like our ancestors in the days prior to refrigeration and worldwide food distribution. Peppered within this entertaining and informative adventure in home grown eating are useful tidbits of information like recipes, food facts, and how to advice from family members. These additions give the book an enjoyable family scrapbook feel. Opting for back-to-the-land living, was not always easy. Cultivating their land and living on local foods for a full year leads to...