Family Place Libraries™ @ Avondale and Springville Road

Family Place Libraries™ is a network of children’s librarians nationwide who believe that literacy begins at birth, and that libraries can help build healthy communities by nourishing healthy families. Family Place Libraries™ welcome infants and toddlers and their families and caregivers. Special areas in the Youth Departments at Avondale and Springville Road Branch libraries have been created to entice young children and parents to play together. A collection of parenting materials and resources are displayed in the children’s area so that parents have easy access for reading while visiting the library and for check out.

One of the key components of Family Place Libraries™ is an organized time for children birth through age 3 and their parents to play and learn together. The five week program, “1,2,3 Play with Me” will be held at the Avondale Public Library on five consecutive Wednesdays beginning September 5, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. This one hour and fifteen minute program features toys, an art experience, books, play and circle time. Community resource professionals will be on hand to discuss parenting questions and concerns. Topics include nutrition, speech and hearing, child development, and music and movement. Space is limited at each site so pre-registration is required. Call the Avondale Branch Library at 226-4003 for more information and registration.
The “1,2,3 Play with Me” program will be repeated beginning October 25, 2007 at the Springville Road Branch Library. You may register for these sessions by calling 226-4085.
The Birmingham Public Library Family Place Libraries™ is funded in part by a Project Development Grant from the Junior League of Birmingham.