Brown Bag Lunch—Butterflies of Alabama: Glimpses into Their Lives

Butterflies of Alabama is a full-color, richly illustrated guide to the eight-four known species of “true” butterflies (Papilionoidea) found within the state’s borders. For more than fourteen years authors Sara Bright and Paulette Haywood Ogard have made a close study of these showy, winged stars of the insect world, pursuing them in a great variety of habitats, rearing them, and photographing their remarkable life cycle stages—egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalid or “cocoon”), and adult.
Sara Bright is a professional photographer whose work has been featured in Canoe, Southern Living, Birder’s World, Outdoor Life, Geo, and Portico, and is on permanent display at McDonald’s Corporation, Alabama Power, Wachovia Bank, and the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Paulette Haywood Ogard has taught classes on wildflowers and native plants at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and conducted workshops throughout the southeast on wildlife habitats, butterflies, and butterfly gardening.
Join us as the authors take a fascinating look at the natural world that is in our own backyards! Wednesday, October 13, noon.
Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs. You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in the Arrington Auditorium located on the 4th floor of the Linn-Henley Research Library, 2100 Park Place.