Tutor.com Webinar—Write a Resume That Gets The Job

Tutor.com presents a career webinar series this fall at the Birmingham Public Library. From finding writing resumes and finding jobs online to interviewing skills, these webinars cover topics essential to finding the job you want. Free of charge.
Learn to write a resume that hiring managers will notice by transforming your lists of job duties into success stories. Find out how to write a powerful profile and skills summary, and how to prove that you have the “right stuff.”
Course instructor Barbara Safani, owner of Career Solvers, has over fifteen years of experience in career management, recruiting, and executive coaching. She is a triple-certified resume writer, a six-time award winner in the international Toast of the Resume Industry competition, and her work has been featured in over two dozen resume writing and career management publications.
Central Library, Arrington Auditorium
Wednesday, October 27
2:00-3:00 p.m.
For more resources on job searching and resumes, visit BPL's job searching resources page.