Census Data and Proposal Writing for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Are you baffled by U.S. Census data? Do you have a project coming up that requires you to locate, and make sense of, the newly released 2010 figures? Well, the Birmingham Public Library is here to help.
On Tuesday May 10th, the library is hosting a workshop that will be presented by representatives of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Atlanta office.
The workshop is entitled Census Data and Proposal Writing for Not-for-Profit Organizations. The purpose of this workshop is to give those individuals involved with preparing grant proposals instruction on how to locate current data relating to specific populations which can then be used for community and neighborhood analysis.
The workshop will be held in the Arrington Auditorium, which is located on the 4th floor of central library’s Linn Henley Research building.
There is no cost and no registration is required to participate.
There is no cost and no registration is required to participate.
Date and time: