Birmingham Public Library Presents Awareness of the Intangibles, Acrylic Paintings

Cynthia Jones painting
Imprisonment by the Wheels of Time, 2008

Cynthia Jones studied art and engineering at Jacksonville State University. She assumes all things that can be – are, and she examines the intersection of common universal experiences, such as weakness, rejection, and silence, with the arrival of strength, acceptance, and creativity. She uses a combination of acrylics, watercolor, gouache, and metallic paints to achieve the desired effects. Her work has iridescent colors reminiscent of a peacock or beetle.

Awareness of the Intangibles, acrylic painting by Cynthia Jones
Central Library, 2100 Park Place
4th Floor Gallery during regular business hours
July 23-September 9, 2011
Free and open to the public
Opening reception Saturday, July 23 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
