Reading with Ringling Bros.
Dream BIG and earn a free circus ticket!

Children ages 2-12 may visit their local library to register for a FREE ticket to the circus!
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be performing at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC) Arena this year from Wed. Jan. 25th through Sun. Jan. 29th, and participating children who complete four (4) books before then can get a free ticket to see the Greatest Show on Earth! Here's how it works:
- Speak with a librarian in the Youth Department at your local public library to register each child (age 2-12).
- Each child must complete at least four (4) books to receive his or her redeemable ticket from the library.
- The ticket is redeemable ONLY at the BJCC Concert Hall Box Office with the purchase of one (1) Adult ticket at full price.
So, ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages... what are you waiting for? Hurry up and use your trapeze, unicycle, or clown car to get to the library!
What kind of message are the libraries sending our children when you ignore this information and continue to advertise the circus as wholesome family entertainment?
In 2009 these pictures came out showing the cruel and brutal methods Ringling uses to train their baby elephants to perform circus tricks.
Dr. Joyce Poole is a elephant researcher for 35 years and she states: “How many children would choose to go to the circus if they knew what takes place behind the scenes? ....The totally unnatural existence for circus elephants is a travesty and to allow this practice to continue is unjustified and unethical.”
It is no longer acceptable for our society to ignore the connection between the abuse of women, children and animals by the entertainment industry. We must stop teaching children that any form of abuse is tolerated in our society. We must not bow our heads in denial and remain a part of the problem. We must become a part of the solution and to all forms of abuse in our communities, rise up and “just say no.”
Circuses are training grounds for insensitivity and selfishness. Sooner or later it dawns on children that animals can be forced and mistreated because they are weak, can’t communicate and have virtually no resources of their own, just like infants, old people and the mentally disabled. What a powerful lesson.
And for our kids’ sake, it’s time to throw animal-act circuses into the trash heap of degrading forms of entertainment, such as gladiator contests, blackface minstrel shows, bear baiting, bullfights — the list is endless — as well as freak shows, which were once essential parts of circuses and also worked to increase our credulity and dull our humanity.
Read more here:
“How many children would choose to go to the circus if they knew what takes place behind the scenes?...The totally unnatural existence for circus elephants is a travesty and to allow this practice to continue is unjustified and unethical.”