Sale at the Friends Bookstore, January 29-February 5

The public is invited to a meeting of the Friends of the BPL on January 29 at 2:30 p.m. in the Youth Department Story Castle, which can be entered by a door in the back of the bookstore. Come listen to the projects planned for the bookstore in 2012, and learn about becoming a Friends volunteer.
Recent donations include: nonfiction books on the subjects of history, politics, religion, self-help, and biography; Christian fiction hardbacks; magazines, including foreign language publications; some Russian magazines and books; LP albums and album sets from the '50s, '60s, and '70s; specially-priced Marvel and DC comic books; VHS movies and lots of books on tape.
As always, think of the Friends Bookstore when you have books, media, and lightly used knick-knacks to donate. Remember: One man's clutter is another man's stock.