Laura Ingalls Wilder's New Autobiography Reflects Less Rosy View of Her Pioneer Days

When I was nine years old, I loved the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I read every book, several times. I went to the Children's Librarian in my local library and told her how much I liked the books and that I wanted to read more like them. The librarian gave me a book by Rose Wilder Lane, Laura's daughter. It was an adult book and I couldn't get into it.

Well. many years later, my dream will finally come true. Even though Laura died the year I was born, a new book by Laura Ingalls Wilder is coming out on November 20. Pioneer Girl is Laura's autobiography, the true story of life on the Prairie, not the version of her life as romanticized in her children's series, but the real hardships that molded her into the teller of stories that millions of young girls have grown up loving.

Thank you, Laura, for this last gift.

Links of interest: 
"The 'Pioneer Girl' Project: The Long Road to Bringing Laura Ingalls Wilder's 1930 Autobiography into Print"

"Publishing Laura Ingalls Wilder's Autobiography"

Laura Ingalls  Wilder Historic Home & Museum

Lynn Piper Carpenter
Five Points West Library
