“What If”

by Alisha Johnson, Ensley Branch Library

For many of us the phrase “what if” signifies something that we could only wish would happen for us. For example, What if I could travel the world and visit three different countries in the next five years? Or, What if I could win 50 million dollars tomorrow and never have to work again? Wishful thinking right? Well, not exactly.

There are many different avenues to take where your wishes could turn into reality with just a little work. There are a number of books out there that can help you along the way. If you have a desire to travel to many different countries but you are on a strict budget, consider taking online surveys to earn points towards your travel experience, or check out online sites that will accommodate a payment plan on a much needed vacation. So now that you have your plan of action down, choose a location to visit. Your local library has tons of useful materials to aid you in choosing a destination or helping you invest the 50 million dollars that you are on your way to earning. Sounds great huh? Well check out our resources for saving up for traveltravel destinations, and traveling on a budget.
