Central Library Monumental Stairs Project: Escalator Dismantling Has Begun

Taylor & Miree contractors removed the first piece of the escalator on September 27. Contractors with Taylor & Miree passed a milestone moment today, September 27, at the conclusion of week two of the Central Library Monumental Stairs Project : the first piece of the escalator was cut up and removed. All public services and Central Library East employees formerly in the East Building have relocated to the adjacent Linn-Henley Research Library until the stairs are completed in early February 2020. The stairs project was designed by Birmingham architect Creig Hoskins. The BPL Friends Bookstore remains open to the public throughout the construction process. The Central Library Circulation Desk is now on the first floor of the Linn-Henley Building. The computer services area, passports, notary services such as for marriage applications, faxing and copier use have moved to the third floor of the Linn-Henley Research Building.