Want Latest News on Elections and COVID-19? Check Out BPL’s Online News Resources

Want to keep up with national news related to the presidential election and COVID-19? Then take advantage of the Birmingham Public Library’s virtual news database.

Thanks to BPL's online media partners, library cardholders can gain access to some of the nation's leading newspapers such as the New York Times and similar online news from local, national, and world newspapers.

Stretch your budget further, avoid newspaper subscriptions by utilizing your library card. You can get the latest news on the Democratic National Presidential Convention that concluded Thursday night, next week’s Republican National Convention, and updates on the coronavirus pandemic.

For more information on BPL's many news resources, click here   https://bplolinenews.blogspot.com/2020/08/bpl-virtual-resources-spotlight-news.html  
Remember, BPL is ALWAYS open 24/7 through our website (www.cobpl.org) and BPL's social media channels including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

For more information on BPL's FREE online digital resources, click here http://www.bplonline.org/virtual/ 

If you are a student in grades K-12 taking courses online this fall, stay tuned next week for Part V of BPL’s virtual resources spotlight that will focus on our online resources available to help you do research from the comfort of your home.
