
Showing posts from December, 2021

BPL Announces New Year's Day Closing Schedule

  The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) today announced its New Year's Day holiday closing schedule.  All BPL locations will close on Friday, December 31, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., and will remain closed from Saturday, January 1 through Monday, January 3, 2022, in observance of New Year's Day.  Our library locations will reopen to the public on Tuesday, January 4, at 9:00 a.m.  Remember, even though our library buildings will not be open physically, BPL remains open virtually 24/7 every day and patrons can still check out books and DVDs online at .  Have a Happy New Year's Day!!

Come Learn How to Use a Computer at West End Branch Library

  What: Computer Basics Class  When: January 19, February 16, or March 16 at 10:00 AM  Where: West End Branch Library , 1348 Tuscaloosa Avenue Birmingham, Ala. -  Do you desire to boost your computer skills during 2022? Then take advantage of  free computer skills development classes being offered every third Wednesday of the month between January and March 2022 at the West End Branch Library. The classes will take place at 10:00 a.m. on January 19, February 16, and March 16 at West End Library, 1348 Tuscaloosa Ave. SW. In each class, participants will get hands-on practice with the very basics of computer use: computer parts, the mouse, and keyboard. We will also cover topics such as opening a program, using icons and the task bar, and working with windows (minimize, maximize, and scroll).  This class is best for those who are brand new to computers. If you know a little about computers but want to boost your knowledge, you are welcome too. Choose which...

New Year, New Us with BPL: A Primer on Astrology

  Want to learn more about astrology? Read this blog by Jo Bridges of the Central Library and check out books from the Birmingham Public Library and other Jefferson County Library Cooperative members. Hey yā€™all, it is Jo Bridges again from the  C entral Library  downtown. As we begin this new year, let's be grateful that we made it through this past one. Just  as the last two years (and honestly, every single one before that), many of us have experienced a lot of hardships in our lives. And if we are lucky, we overcame most of them.  For me, I was a pre-anxiety-filled wreck during my final semester of college at the beginning of the COVID pandemic in 2020. I caught COVID, I did not grieve family deaths that year, and it was upsetting that graduation commencement was postponed. After college, I was unsure about my future career-wise. To be truthful, I had no idea what my next steps in life would be. I had lost my vision and hope. But here I am now: an indisputabl...

Best Wishes for a Splendid New Year from BPL!

  The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) would like to wish you and your family a magnificent New Year!    Please remember BPL for year-end giving.  All monetary gifts to the Friends Foundation of the Birmingham Public Library help library branches across the city, providing needed services and programs for our patrons.  Happy New Year in advance from all of us at the Birmingham Public Library. Please click here or visit to donate. By Margaret Splane|BPL Development Office

Birmingham at 150ā€”Part 4

Mayor Richard Arrington at the opening of the Research Library. Photo via the BPL Digital Archives. Reparations Now Even as Birmingham began to come to terms with its racist heritage, new methods of maintaining segregation were explored.  Separate Use statues were passed, ostensibly to boost businesses, but practically created to keep black and white citizens apart. Suburban areas consistently voted against joining the city for fear of further integration of their schools and business districts. 

Birmingham at 150ā€”Part 3

A historic newspaper clipping. Photo from the BPL Digital Archives . The Battle for Birmingham's Soul ( In the interest of brevity, this section provides only an overview. Additional online BPL resources are listed at the end of this article ) The story of the Civil Rights movement is a difficult one to tell.  It is filled with gratuitous violence and painful truths. It is uncomfortable for me to discuss as a white man whose family comes from Birmingham. I am under no illusion as to which side my grandparents and great-grandparents stood on as it was happening. 

Join West End Library's January Jigsaw Puzzle Club

Join West End Library's Jigsaw Puzzle Club in January by putting a piece on its 1,000-piece puzzle.  Do you love working on puzzles? Join West End Library's Jigsaw Puzzle Club in January.  We need your help. We are attempting to put together a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle at the West End Library. Weā€™d love for you to stop by any day during the month of January to put some pieces in place. The only requirement for membership in the club is to put one or more pieces in place when you visit the library. The 1000-piece puzzle, created by Charles Fazzino, is called ā€œWE ARE THE WORLD.ā€ Fazzino's "We Are the World" puzzle, which is 3-feet long, is available on eBay for $19.99.   Charles Fazzino, a graduate of the School of Visual Arts in New York City, is a popular artist best known for his bright colors and hand-assembled, 3-D layering technique that brings his artwork to life.  By Lynn Hutchins|West End Branch Library 

Looking for End-of-Year Donation? Support BPL

  The best way to spread holiday cheer is to support your library throughout the year. Your donation to BPL helps us provide needed services for our patrons. Have the happiest of holidays from all of us at the Birmingham Public Library.  Please visit to donate. By Catherine Frey|BPL Development Director

Birmingham at 150ā€”Part 2

Lines wait outside the Pantages Theatre. Photo from the  BPL Digital Collections .  The New South With state debt on the rise and the economy at a standstill, several railroad investors envisioned a rail crossroads just a couple miles from Elyton to create a growing economic and industrial city in the heart of Alabama. These ideas became a reality in two years as 4150 acres were purchased from East Elyton farm owners in January of 1871. That same year, on December 19, the City of Birmingham was incorporated into the State of Alabama. 

Pick up Kwanzaa Grab-n-Go Kits This Week at Southside Branch Library

Pick up grab-n-go Kwanzaa kits at Southside Branch Library.  Many persons of African descent will celebrate Kwanzaa between December 26 and January 1.  Kwanzaa is a time when families and communities will come together to celebrate their rich African heritage and culture. Kwanza falls between Christmas and New Year. Although many COVID restrictions have been lightened or lifted, many people are still struggling to find "normalcy" within themselves, within family, and within the community. As the words "BLACK LIVES MATTER" continue to resonate across social media and elsewhere, I felt there needed to be a reminder WHY WE MATTER. Our children need to know WHY WE MATTER. Kwanza is a reminder. So I decided to find a couple of simple crafts  that the family can make in an effort to seek avenues to learn more about our culture, our heritage, and this awe-inspiring celebration.  Stop by  Southside Branch Library   and Grab Nā€™ Go a kit to make a Mkeka (Mat) to your...

Birmingham at 150ā€”Part 1

A map of Birmingham from the BPL Archives. Photo from the BPL Digital Collections . American Humanity: Birmingham at 150 On December 19, 2021, the City of Birmingham turns 150 years old. In that span of time, Birmingham saw the best and the worst of American humanity. Birmingham has been a leader in industry, in affirmative action, and in modernization.  Yet, ignoring other parts of the city's history is a disservice to the bold men and women who overcame so much in their fight for equal rights (with much left to fight for). 

BPL Book Review: Interview with a Vampire

  Most people my age were probably introduced to Anne Riceā€™s debut novel, Interview with a Vampire , through the movie that was released in 1994 and starred the heartthrobs of the day, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. The best-selling novel is in the news this week after Rice died this week at age 80.    It was several years before I realized that the movie was an adaption of a book series. While intrigued, I never quite got around to reading the books and they were always on my ā€œto readā€ list.  Over a year ago, I saw a posting by Rice saying that she has retained the rights to her novels and had plans to turn the story into a TV adaption. I was intrigued, but not hopeful. In this day and age, TV adaptions that are announced can quickly vanish. However, when I read another article saying that they were starting to cast for the roles in the novel and that this adaption had not lost steam and was moving forward, with a premiere date set in 2022, my interest in reading t...

Janine Langston Named Executive Director of the Birmingham Public Library

  Janine Langston, Executive Director of the Birmingham Public Library. Birmingham, Ala. - Janine Langston, a 35-year veteran employee of the Birmingham Public Library , has been named as BPLā€™s new executive director. Langston's promotion was announced during the BPL Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday night, December 14, 2021. Langston had previously served as interim executive director since December 2020 . Prior to that board appointment, she spent two years as BPL's deputy director .  Eunice Rogers, president of the BPL Board of Trustees, said the board has been impressed with Langstonā€™s work as interim director as she led BPL through the pandemic.  "The Board of Trustees is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Janine Langston as our Executive Director," Rogers said. "She has helped to lead the Library System through the pandemic and has demonstrated her commitment to serve our library over the past 35 years. We look forward to working with her as ...

Inglenook Branch Library Decorated to Celebrate the Holidays

  Inglenook Branch Library is among many BPL locations decorated to celebrate the holiday season.  The Inglenook bulletin boards, created by Library Assistant III Sharron Barkley, were created with the central theme of the Winter Season - with a special emphasis on the Snowman.  The outside window display has a winter scene with the caption ā€œTis the Season to Be Readingā€.  The other displays have snowman scenes with captions ā€œReading is Snow Much Funā€, Hibernate with A Good Bookā€, and ā€œWrap Up with a Good Bookā€  Happy Holidays from all of us at BPL! Click here to see a list of many BPL holiday programs going on now through Christmas.  Check out the rest of the Inglenook Library decorations below. If in the area, drop by to see them in person. Inglenook Library is located at 4100 40th Terrace North. 

BPL 2021 Holiday Happenings Updates

Local patrons put the finishing touches on the East Ensley Library's tree. Photo from Karen Jackson. Kicking off December, I created a long blog compiling all of the Birmingham Public Library 's (BPL) holiday happenings across 13 of our branches . There is roughly a little over one week left in the month before all BPL locations close on Friday, December 24, and each location still has plenty of crafts, celebrations, and movie marathons planned for you!

Join the North Birmingham Library for a Holiday Open House!

Enjoy some holiday cheer with North Birmingham. Graphic designed by Lisa Smith. North Birmingham Regional Branch Library is hosting a Holiday Open House on Monday, December 13, starting at 4:00 p.m. and would love for YOU to attend!

Five Points West Library to Host Birmingham Career Center Mobile Job Registration Event December 14

Looking for a job? The Five Points West Regional Library, 4812 Avenue W,  will host the Birmingham Career Center's mobile job registration event on Tuesday, December 14, from 1 to 3 p.m .   Birmingham, Ala. - Continuing a partnership with  the Birmingham Public Library to make finding a job easier, the Birmingham Career Center  is hosting  a mobile job registration event next Tuesday, December 14, at the Five Points West Regional Library .  Job seekers will be able to register for employment in a data base that lists job openings across the state during the mobile job registration event between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Five Points West Library, 4812 Avenue W.  The Birmingham Career Center held its first mobile registration event on December 2 at the Central Library in downtown Birmingham. More mobile registration events will be held later across the city.  "The goal of this type of event is to bring Career Center services to places wher...

Let the Birmingham Public Library Help You Celebrate National Write a Business Plan Month

Start your business plan today! Photo by Nick Youngson from Alpha Stock Images. December is National Write a Business Plan Month, and it serves as a perfect time for budding entrepreneurs to think about starting a new business! If this sounds like the kind of adventure you would like to embark on, then the first step you should take is putting together a well-developed business plan. 

Central Library Winter Open House December 15 to Feature Musical Artist, Food Trucks & More

  Celebrate the holidays at the Central Library on Wednesday, December 15, as the Birmingham Public Library presents a Winter Open House featuring musical artist Regi Yarbrough, food trucks, and more.  Join us for free hot chocolate and cookies inside the Central Library Grand Reading Room between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. while listening to the holiday sounds of Regi Yarbrough, founder of the band Yarbrough & Co. You can also take advantage of a variety of food truck vendors in the Central Library parking lot during the holiday celebration.  Yarbrough is a Birmingham musician who has performed BPL Christmas holiday concerts for several years at the Powderly Branch Library.

The Flourish Alabama to Host Word Up! Poetry Festival at the Central Library on December 17

  What: The Word Up! Festival, a poetry slam featuring high school students from all 7 Birmingham High Schools  Who: The Flourish Alabama in partnership with Birmingham Public Library and the Greater Birmingham Arts Education Collaborative to host the 2021 Word Up! Festival.   The Flourish Alabama  is a local arts and arts education nonprofit organization dedicated to helping artists Bloom.  When:  Friday, December 17. Preliminary Rounds begin at 5:00 pm, followed by the Final Round (featuring the top 4 schools) at 7:00 p.m.  Where: The Central Library, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, Ala. 35203 About the Event:  Come see the top poets from Birminghamā€™s seven high schools compete for $5,000 in cash prizes at the 2021 Word Up! Festival. This festival is a culmination of The Flourish's Word Up! Program, a city-wide poetry competition featuring high school students from across Birmingham. The public is invited to attend this free event to cheer ...

Looking for Holiday Gifts? Check Out the Deals at BPL Friends Bookstore in Central Library

The Friends Bookstore in the Central Library has all holiday books for $1 each.  Birmingham, Ala. - The Holidays are here and we have all the best gifts for everyone on your list at the BPL Friends Bookstore inside the Central Library downtown!  Check out all the best sellers for teens and adults.  We have cookbooks for every culinary taste so the chef in you can try those new dishes for the holiday feast. The BPL Friends Bookstore $12 bag sale continues. Graphic novels featuring all of your favorite Marvel characters are waiting for you to give the gift of fun and excitement. Our Holiday Corner is full of ideas, recipes, crafts and so much more for all the plans you need to make. All Holiday books are now $1 each. Find your favorite holiday novels, craft ideas, recipes and your how to for every decorating adventure. No shipping issues, always the right size and no shortage of supply. The Friends Bookstore has everything you need to get your shopping done! Our $12...

Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor Occurred 80 Years Ago Today, December 7, 1941

The U.S.S. Arizona, seen burning after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.  Today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, is the 80th anniversary of the day Japanese aircraft bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.  Known in history as "a day that will live infamy," the unprovoked attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, an American air base near Honolulu, drew the United States into World War II. The bombing by hundreds of Japanese warplanes began at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941 , killing 2,400 American military personnel and civilians, and injured over 1,000 more. A day after the assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan, a speech best known for his "a day that will live in infamy" quote. Today as the nation remembers the heroes who died and were injured that fateful day, many U.S. veterans say the 80th anniversary is an example of why America must unite today. "When we're united as a country, we cannot be defe...

Titusville Library is Partnering with VoiceUP to Provide a New Poetry Workshop

  Join Titusville Library for a new creative writing workshop. Flyer created by VoiceUP. Adding to the Titusville Branch Library's community partnered programs , they are now offering the  VoiceUP Creative Writing and Poetry Workshop! The VoiceUP Initiative began in February 2020 to build literacy, reading, and writing skills and self-esteem in inner city youth. They foster an inclusive environment that allows children to be seen and heard. 

From the Archives: WPA Charles Dickens Figurines

These figurines are carefully preserved in the BPL Archives. Photo by Jim Baggett. Among the millions of papers and photographs preserved in the Birmingham Public Library (BPL) Archives and Manuscripts Department , there are other historic artifacts that are less expected. Some of these unique finds include seven ceramic figurines, each measuring about five inches tall and representing characters from the novels of Charles Dickens .

ChessKidsNation-BPL Host Chess Tournament Saturday at Five Points West Library

  L-R Devin Hudson, Toby Richards of Arlington Historic House, Coach Balagee Birmingham, Ala. -  Forty of metro Birminghamā€™s most talented young chess players will be face off this Saturday, December 4, at the Five Points West Regional Library.  Presented by the Arlington Historic House , the ChessKidsNation/Birmingham Public Library Chess Tournament will kick off at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:30 p.m. at Five Points West Library, 4812 Avenue W. The organizer is Balagee Govindan, who founded ChessKidsNation in 2005. Coach Balagee said he is excited as due to the pandemic, this is the first in-person ChessKidsNation tournament in two years.  ChessKidsNation is a nationwide chess teaching establishment staffed by trained chess coaches who aim to promote chess among young people across the country. Coach Balagee is United States Chess Federation Certified Chess Coach and Tournament Director. He is also a FIDE National Instructor (need to know what FIDE stands for). C...

Join Us for the 2021 Holiday Happenings at the BPL

The holidays are happening throughout the city at 13  Birmingham Public Library (BPL) locations ! There are FREE celebrations, programs, and giveaways celebrating December holiday  at almost every BPL location. We hope you will join us for oneā€”or allā€”of these BPL celebrations !