Central Library on January 24 to Host a Chat With Mayor Woodfin and Edward T. Bowser, authors of "Son of Birmingham"


On January 24, the Central Library downtown is hosting a chat with Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin and Edward T. Bowser, co-authors of Son of Birmingham.

 Join See Jane Write Founder Javacia Harris Bowser at the Birmingham Public Library's Central location, 2100 Park Place, for an engaging conversation with Woodfin and co-writer Edward T. Bowser about Woodfin's powerful debut memoir, Son of Birmingham

This event delves into the story behind the story, exploring the writing process, the influence of hip-hop and pop culture, and the book’s examination of critical themes such as Birmingham’s identity, the plague of gun violence, and the ways the South is still teaching our world how to fight for freedom.

 Don’t miss this chance to uncover the heart of a story that’s as much about a city as it is about its son. The evening will start with a book signing at 5:00 p.m. Books will be available for sale by Birmingham's Thank You Books. The conversation will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. 

 Register by clicking on EventBrite here The event is free and open to the public. 

For more information, visit www.cobpl.org

A veteran former journalist with al.com, Bowser is deputy director of communications for the City of Birmingham. 

"It was a great honor to chronicle Mayor Woodfin's journey and I can't wait to share that story with the world. From his days as a bagger at Western Supermarket to becoming the CEO of our city and sharing the stage with world leaders, Son of Birmingham is a true coming-of-age story. Mayor Woodfin is as authentically Birmingham as you can get, and I know this memoir will resonate with readers."

 Woodfin announced he was co-writing a memoir in a social media post last November. Al.com did a story about the book last November.

Son of Birmingham is not just my story — it’s the story of us,” Woodfin wrote on social media. “It’s about how gun violence has touched American families, including my own family, and how we’re fighting it right now in our communities.”

By Roy L. Williams, PR Director|Birmingham Public Library 
