Have I Read That Book?

My friend and I were talking about books we have read recently. My friend couldn’t remember if she had read one of the titles we were discussing. Since she is a good library user and usually gets the books she reads from the library, I asked her if she had turned on the “My Reading History” feature on our catalog. She was not familiar with it and wanted to know how to turn it on. Here’s how:

Go to www.bplonline.org. In the upper right hand corner of the page you will see “My Account.” Click it on and you’ll be asked for your name and library card number. Once you have logged in you will see:

“My Reading History” is the second icon from the left on the row above “Birmingham Public Library Patron.” Click on it and choose "Opt In." You can easily choose to opt out at any time if you change your mind. From now on all the materials you check out will be recorded.

Another good way to keep track of your reading is the site Goodreads.  Not only does Goodreads keep a record of what you have read, it has many other features including connecting with your friends and getting updates by email of what they are reading, as well as lots of lists of what to read next.


Anonymous said…
What a great idea! Please tell your friends and family about this great feature.