Brown Bag Lunch Program: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: American Art from the Yale University Art Gallery

This fall, the Birmingham Museum of Art will host the exhibition Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: American Art from the Yale University Art Gallery (October 4, 2009 - January 10, 2010). This major exhibition includes 230 masterpieces of American art, including John Trumbull 's iconic painting, The Declaration of Independence , which has appeared in nearly every American history textbook and on the back of the $2 bill. Dr. Graham C. Boettcher, PhD, Curator of American Art, gives an illustrated talk about this important exhibition,and shares the fascinating stories behind the works of art. Wednesday, October 7, noon. Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch Programs . You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in the Arrington Auditorium located on the 3rd floor of the Linn-Henley Research Library, 2100 Park Place.