Alabama Bound 2010 to Feature The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The community is invited to join the discussion on what makes The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain an enduring American classic, at The Birmingham Public Library’s Alabama Bound 2010 on Saturday, March 20, from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Alabama Bound 2010 will feature programming aimed to enhance understanding and appreciation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain as a person and a writer. Performances by Will Stutts, Dolores Hydock, and a book discussion by a panel of scholars and authors will be taking place throughout the day. The popular band, Flying Jenny, will entertain audiences with music of Twain’s era.
The event is in collaboration with the statewide literacy campaign, The Big Read: Alabama Reads. Alabama Reads is designed to increase library usage and literacy rates in the state by encouraging citizens to read the Mark Twain classic. The book was chosen to correspond with the Alabama Department of Tourism’s Year of Small Towns and Twain’s 175th birthday. The statewide literacy campaign will launch in February and conclude in April.
Contact your local public library for more information, and visit
Alabama Bound is sponsored in part by the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the Hill Crest Foundation.