BPL Hits Tumblr!

"What is Tumblr?


"Before there was social networking, there were blogs. And in an effort to muddle things, at one point in time the concept of blogging without trying too hard became known as microblogging. Tumblr is part microblogging, part social networking."

"If you want to write a several-thousand-word opus about something, Tumblr isn’t the place to do it. If you want to share a moving picture of a little kid acting like a detective as quickly and easily as possible, Tumblr is a good place to do it. That’s the microblogging aspect to Tumblr. Then, other Tumblr users who like moving pictures of little kids acting like detectives can follow you on Tumblr so they’re sure to see every moving little-kid-acting-like-a-detective picture you post. That’s the social networking aspect to Tumblr."
From time.com

So, where can you find Tumblr?
Learn more about what's going on at BPL, find book reviews, funny memes, and most importantly, FOLLOW US at http://www.tumblr.com/blog/bhampublib! We can't wait to connect with you!


Josh said…
Tumblr traffic has been on the decline since Yahoo acquired the social networking outlet, with the lowest site visits since 2011. With other social media options with significant prevalence, sites like Tumblr have such a difficult time getting the proverbial foot in the door. MySpace for example, despite the changes, endorsements and advertising, struggles to get back to the level of it's heyday.

On a more positive note Tumblr does seem to effortless allow for sharing of multimedia. Other social site allow the same, but Tumblr has a certain "je ne sais quoi". The micro-blogging aspect of Tumblr is also a big draw for me. To quote a food analogy "Tumblr provides a nice 'small plates' alternative to the tastings offered by Twitter and the full meals offered by blog posts."

Really Tumblr's popularity may not be anywhere near the level of the social networking giants of Facebook and Twitter, but it doesn't allow an alternative to get more information out without feeling the need to write a thorough dissertation about what I ate for dinner. Frankly if I still want to share with my Facebook or Twitter feed that I can with a few simple clicks. A short link to Tumblr with a description will certainly be shorting that 140 characters but will say a lot more.