Matthew Mayes’ Layers of Meaning Series Going Home August 29

Hurry to the Central Library’s Fourth Floor Gallery by September 4 to view—or purchase!—intricate acrylic paintings bold in color, texture, and depth.
It’s your last chance to experience The Layers of Meaning: Paintings by Matthew Mayes, a showcase of work by popular local artist Matthew Mayes. The art gallery has been a success for Mayes, with many clients bringing home his kaleidoscopic pieces for their living rooms and businesses.
Mayes considers his vibrant array of paintings to be a study of color perception, definition, and composition.
“The viewer’s reality is based on how my artwork makes them feel,” Mayes said about his work. “Art should awaken your senses and test your boundaries between perception and reality. Either way, you are never wrong with what YOU see in art and how art makes YOU feel.”
Awaken your senses to Mayes’ colorful world and see what his artwork says to you.
Matthew Mayes
Born in Florence, Alabama, Matthew Mayes is a self-taught artist with over 12 years’ experience as a professional. He currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama, with his partner Brian and their son Noah.
Matthew began painting as a child after watching The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross. He had experienced a number of stints with hospitalization and home schooling due to illness and needed an outlet for his creativity. Art was his answer and savior.
Concerning the process of creating art, Matthew states, “I allow natural ability combined with a trained eye to create. Without both, my art could not exist."
Matthew’s exhibits have appeared at popular local events like the Birmingham Art Crawl as well as out-of-state, from Michigan to Arizona and beyond. You can find his work featured at all I.O Metro locations.
Bethany Mitchell
Arts, Literature and Sports Department
Central Library