Go for Gold with the North Birmingham Regional Branch Library's Olympics Book Display

Photo collage of different Olympic Games themed books and movies

Love the Olympics as much as us at the North Birmingham Regional Branch Library? Check out some of these materials in our Olympics themed display!

All items in this blog and our display are available to check out at all Jefferson County Library Cooperative members, including all 16 active Birmingham Public Library locations (BPL).



Cover of the book "Olympic Pride, American Prejudice"


Cover of the "Let the Games Begin" book by Rufaro Faith Mazarura



Theatrical poster for the 2016 film "Race"

Stop by the North Birmingham Library to find these items and more!

What are some of your favorite books/movies about the Olympics? What are your favorite Olympic sports? Let us know in the comments below and on our Facebook page—we love hearing from y'all!

By Jana Brown | Library Assistant Ⅲ, North Birmingham Regional Branch Library, Adult Department 
