Hold It!

Deja Vu CoverCan't find that copy of Déjà Vu or other new DVD on the shelf? Want to read that fiction bestseller or new nonfiction book?

Hold It!
Do not leave finding a copy up to chance.

Reserving, by placing a hold, is the fastest way to get the library material you want. The hold puts you on a waiting list for the item. Once the item becomes available, you will be notified so that you can pick it up. You will get an e-mail if you have given us your e-mail address. Otherwise, you will get an automated phone notification.

Holds can be placed on almost any book, DVD, or audio book the library has, even on soon to be released titles in our catalog like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.Harry Potter Cover

There are many options for placing holds on the library material you want.

  • You can join the Best Sellers Club, our program to provide quick access to new releases from best selling authors. Click here to sign up.
  • You can ask the library staff to place the hold for you during your next visit to the Library.
  • You can call the Library and ask the staff to reserve items for you.
  • You can even place a hold on library materials yourself from our catalog.

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, here is how Mr. Vila would place holds using our catalog:

Vila connects to our website at www.bplonline.org which he considers the best thing since “Signature Series” power tools. Clicking on the catalog link along the bottom of the page, he chooses title and types in his search for “The New Yankee workshop kids' stuff” by Norm Abram. Vila scans the search results to select the book he wants. Once found, he clicks on the blue reserve item button at the top of the screen.

After entering his name and library card numbers in the appropriate boxes, he clicks on submit. Since the Avondale Branch is convenient for him, Vila chooses Avondale from the location selection dropdown menu and clicks submit.

As his computer screen reports that his request will be delivered to the selected Birmingham Public Library location when it is available, he thinks what a quick easy complete solution this is.

If Vila wanted to place multiple items on hold at once he could have used our handy shopping cart feature.

If you need any assistance with this process, a staff member would be happy to assist you in placing your holds.


Anonymous said…
What a great idea, I am going to place a hold on Bobby right now.