Alabama Is the Home of 14 Newly Designated National Recreation Trails

National Recreation Trails are but one part of our country’s National Trails System. The other two parts, the National Scenic Trails (NSTs) and the National Historic Trails (NHTs), have greater notoriety but lack the diversity and breadth exhibited by the National Recreation Trails. Currently, there are eleven designated National Scenic Trails. To be included in the system, a trail must be at least 100 miles long and demonstrate outstanding qualities of scenic beauty and recreational opportunity. The Appalachian Trail and the Natchez Trace Trail are prominent examples of NSTs that are, at least partially, located in the Southeast. National Historic Trails are designated to commemorate travel routes that are crucial to the social and cultural development of the United States. Of the nineteen current NHTs, two run through Alabama: the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail and the Selma to Montgomery Historic Trail.
Whereas the National Scenic Trails and the National Historic Trails are all managed by the federal government, National Recreation Trails (NRTs) may fall under the auspices of the federal, state, or local authorities. Visitors to NRTs can enjoy a variety of recreational activities depending upon the terrain and geographical location of the trail. A quick review of Alabama’s 50 designated NRTs reveals a wide assortment of permissible activities: hiking, swimming, biking, roller skating, motorcycling, horseback riding, dog walking, fishing, boating, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. This year’s designations increase the total number of NRTs nationwide to over 1,200.
For more information about the National Trails Systems, please check the Birmingham Public Library’s catalog, or contact the library’s Government Documents Department.
Jim Murray
Government Documents Department
Central Library