Today's Brown Bag Lunch Program: Eudora Welty: Exposures and Reflections

In 1936, Eudora Welty was catapulted into the popular American spotlight as one of the century’s great Southern literary voices. However, many Americans to this day do not recognize her body of work as a gifted photographer. The author/photographer claimed the two art forms were parallel activities, with the photography never affecting the product of her pen. Presented to accompany the exhibit Eudora Welty: Exposures and Reflections on display in the Birmingham Public Library gallery, Jacob Laurence, curator of exhibits at the History Museum of Mobile, will explore the unique relationship that exists between Welty’s written and photographic work. Wednesday, June 6, noon.
Feed your body and mind at BPL's Brown Bag Lunch programs. You bring the lunch and we'll bring the drinks. Wednesdays at noon in Central Library’s Arrington Auditorium.