Popular Software Tutorials -- LearningExpress Library

Taking courses on these software programs can be very expensive. A local search for a Word 2010 course revealed a cost of $129 at a community college. Library patrons can access these software courses at no cost through LearningExpress Library. See how much your library card is worth! Due to popularity, books and DVDs on these topics are often checked out. The checkout period is limited in order to make the material available to as many patrons as possible. With LearningExpress Library, there is no need to meet a specific class schedule or reserve material that is checked out. You access the database at your convenience and decide how quickly to move through the material.
In addition to software tutorials, LearningExpress Library provides a wealth of other resources. These include test preparation for civil service exams, ACT, SAT, and ASVAB preparation, resume assistance, GED preparation, and many other wonderful resources that you have to see to believe. LearningExpress Library saves you time and money while allowing you to learn at your own pace. Please take advantage of this excellent database and all the information it has to offer.