Discover Middle-Earth

Learn more about The Hobbit, Middle-Earth, and Tolkien at the Birmingham Public Library.
Read: The Hobbit
Watch: In 1977 The Hobbit was made into an animated motion picture.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is also now available on DVD.

Discover Middle-earth:
The art of the Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien / Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull
There and back again : the map of the Hobbit/ text by Brian Sibley; images by John Howe
The peoples of middle-earth / J.R.R. Tolkien ; edited by Christopher Tolkien
Realms of Tolkien : images of Middle-earth
Realms of Tolkien : images of Middle-earth
Read analysis, commentary, criticism and critique:
Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The hobbit / Corey Olsen
The individuated hobbit : Jung, Tolkien, and the archetypes of Middle-Earth / Timothy R. O'Neill
The wisdom of the shire : a short guide to a long and happy life / Noble Smith
Defending Middle-earth : Tolkien, myth and modernity / Patrick Curry
Meditations on Middle Earth / edited by Karen Haber
Learn about the making of the movie:
The hobbit : an unexpected journey : official movie guide / Brian Sibley
The hobbit : an unexpected journey. Chronicles II, Creatures & characters / Daniel Falconer
The hobbit : an unexpected journey : chronicles : art & design / Daniel Falconer
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Chronicles: Art & Design
*Images in this post are the primary English language book covers and movie posters used for The Hobbit since its publication. More images of covers for many of Tolkien's books can be found here.